A suspect in the terrorist attack in Berlin were released for lack of evidence

A suspect in the case of the attack in Berlin released for lack of evidence. About it reports on Tuesday, December 20, Reuters with reference to the Prosecutor’s office of Germany. The detainee, as noted in the Department, gave extensive testimony, but denied involvement in the crime. The Prosecutor also said that witnesses of the attack could not identify the truck driver who committed the collision, in this regard, failed to prove that the suspect was in the time of the attack in the cab. 20 December, German media reported, citing a source in the security services that arrested in the case on Berlin’s attack is not involved in the attack, the real criminal is on the loose and armed. According to the Prosecutor General of Germany Peter Frank, the authorities have no information on whether the real perpetrator of the terrorist act the associates. Earlier in the day it

The body of the Russian Ambassador sent from Ankara to Moscow

The plane with the body of the murdered in Turkey, the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov flew from Ankara to Moscow. About it reports on Tuesday, 20 December, TASS with reference to sources in air traffic control services. “Just a special flight headed from Ankara to Moscow. About three hours later he landed in Moscow airport Vnukovo”, — said the Agency interlocutor. In the air port the aircraft will personally meet the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. He said this at the General meeting of the Russian Council on international Affairs, RIA Novosti reported. “I will gladly stand before you, and then you go to the airport to meet the aircraft with the body of Andrei Gennadyevich. Eternal memory”, — said the Minister. In Ankara before sending the plane held a farewell ceremony with Charles. On the Turkish side at the event, in particular, was attended by the

Media reported about the escape of the offender from the scene of the attack in Berlin

The driver of the truck rammed the visitors to the Christmas fair in Berlin, is still at large. About it reports on Tuesday, December 20, Die Welt, citing a senior police source. “We’ve got the wrong man. The real criminal is armed with (…) and can launch more attacks”, — he said. Earlier, on 20 December it was reported that the main suspect in the terrorist attack in Berlin is a 23-year-old native of Pakistan Click B.

The police have established the identity of the contractor of the alleged attack in Berlin

Possible by the alleged attack in Berlin is a 23-year-old native of Pakistan Click B. it is reported by Die Welt, citing sources in law enforcement bodies. The suspect crossed the border of Germany, 31 December 2015 and February 2016, appealed to the authorities asking for asylum. He lived in one of the shelters for migrants in the German capital. Newspaper Bild said that the Pakistanis managed to get into the field of view of law enforcement due to a series of minor offenses. Earlier on December 20, the investigators reported that the truck driver rammed the visitors to the Christmas fair in Berlin, can act intentionally. Also the police said that “all measures are taken to accelerate the investigation of a suspected terrorist attack.” On Monday evening, December 19, at the people who were on the Christmas market drove the van, after which drove her people tried to escape,

Police said the deliberate nature of the impact on people in Berlin

The investigators believe that the truck driver rammed a crowd of visitors to the Christmas fair in Berlin, went on people deliberately. This was reported in Twitter of the police of the German capital. Also the police said that “all measures are taken to accelerate the investigation of a suspected terrorist attack.” Earlier, the Minister of internal Affairs of Germany Thomas de maizière said that, there are many indications that it was a terrorist attack. The incident occurred on Monday evening, December 19. The crowd of visitors of the Christmas fair was hit by a truck, then the driver tried to escape, but was captured. The second man, who was in the cockpit during the impact, died. In total victims of collisions of steel of 12 persons, According to unofficial data, the culprit — a native of Afghanistan or Pakistan. Sources said that the detainee came into their field of

The American Embassy in Turkey tried to get an armed man

The U.S. Embassy in Ankara tried to get an armed man. This publication reports the Daily Sabah in his Twitter. Clarifies that the police managed to stop the attacker and to take into custody. No other details. On Monday evening, December 19, at the Gallery of modern art in Ankara was killed by Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov. Police officer mevlüt MERT Altıntaş shot 62-year-old diplomat in the back when he spoke at the opening of a correspondent of the exhibition, and were soon eliminated by the security forces. Apart from the Ambassador injured three people, Russians among them.

The interior Minister of Germany made a connection state of emergency in Berlin on terrorism

Continued: media reported about the Pakistani or Afghan origin of the perpetrator of the incident in Berlin The Minister of internal Affairs of Germany Thomas de Maiziere said that the incident with the truck in Berlin indeed could be associated with terrorism. “There are many indications that it was a terrorist attack”, — quotes RIA Novosti words de maizière, told the TV channel N-24. As a result of arrival of the truck at the crowd of visitors to the Christmas fair on the square, Breitscheidplatz in the centre of the German capital killed nine people. According to the latest police, 45 people are hospitalized. The truck driver fled the scene, but was captured, is currently being questioned. The second man, who was in the cab of the truck during the collision, died. Law enforcement agencies believe that the truck could be stolen from the construction site in Poland. Currently, the

The UN security Council recognized the murder of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey terrorist attack

The UN security Council recognized terrorist attack the murder of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov and called for the punishment of its perpetrators. As reported by RIA Novosti, said the security Council statement to the press that had been made by the Russian delegation. “The members of the Security Council severely condemned the terrorist attack on 19 December in Ankara, Turkey, which killed Ambassador of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the document. “The members of the Security Council underlined the need to bring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of the terrorist act to justice” — said in a statement. Charles was killed on Monday, December 19, at the Gallery of modern art in Ankara. Police officer mevlüt MERT Altıntaş shot in the back by 62-year-old diplomat, when he spoke at the opening of the photo exhibition “Russia through the eyes of the Turks.” The killer was soon

The Syrian diplomat has promised to clean up the East of Aleppo by evening

A burned-out car in the liberated quarter of East of Aleppo in Syria The Eastern neighborhoods of Syria’s largest city Aleppo will be liberated from the terrorists to the evening of December 19. This was stated by the permanent representative of Syria to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari, reports TASS. “I want to tell you that right now the last of the terrorists in some areas of Eastern Aleppo were evacuated from their strongholds, Aleppo and tonight will be cleared,” — said the diplomat. This statement ja’afari made after the UN security Council adopted a resolution calling for accommodation in Aleppo international observers to coordinate the evacuation of civilians. The document was supported by all 15 member States of the security Council, including Russia. 18 December, Pro-government forces and rebels in Syria have come to an agreement about the condition of evacuation from East Aleppo, the remaining fighters. The evacuation will

Dissatisfied with the slow drive, the American shot a three year old child

Three year old boy was shot in the U.S. state of Arkansas due to the fact that his grandmother is too slow was driving. About it reports BBC News. Unidentified man protested that the woman was very slow when moving through a section of road that had a Stop sign. He opened fire on the car and fled the scene. The woman was not injured, but her three year old grandson was wounded and later died in hospital. His grandmother explained that at first did not understand that the child is injured, and after the incident went to a nearby store to call the police and report the incident. The personality of victims are not disclosed, the criminal known only that he was driving a black Chevrolet Impala. The police conducts its searches. 22 October 2015, a similar case occurred in new Mexico: there’s a man named Tony Torres opened