The interior Ministry of Turkey stated about planned character assassination on Russian Ambassador

Andrew Charles The investigation of the assassination of the Russian Ambassador in Ankara, Andrey Karlov was established that the crime is not the result of personal initiative of the terrorist attack was planned. As reported by Anadolu, said the interior Minister of Turkey Suleyman Soylu. “We try to identify when a terrorist inside Turkey and beyond. At this stage, clearly identified the link killer with a terrorist for of Fethullah gülen”, the Minister stated, putting that the attack on Charles is the result of the action of forces, trying to stop the efforts to achieve peace in the middle East. Soylu said that the terrorist attacks that occurred in Turkey after the parliamentary elections on 7 June 2015, and an armed attack on the diplomat are interrelated and form a single chain plan. “Turkey and Russia will not fall for such traps. The political will demonstrated by Moscow, is evidence

Poland has asked Russia unknown to her recording from Kaczynski plane

The Polish Ministry of defence urgently requested Russia’s new recording of conversations from the cockpit of the crashed in 2010, of the plane of Polish President Lech Kaczynski. This is stated in the message Agency, published on the website on Saturday, December 24. “As follows from yesterday’s speech of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the Russian authorities have at their disposal the text of conversations between the pilot and passengers, which was never represented Poland”, — stated in the Ministry statement. The office believes that an unknown Polish side of the data lead to the wrong conclusions about what happened. December 23, Moscow hosted a large press conference of Vladimir Putin. “Listen, we need to stop any speculation on this subject. The tragedy was terrible, but still clear. Why speculate?” — said the President of Russia, answering the question of the Polish correspondent of the crash. Putin also noted

Le Pen has promised to withdraw France from the EU and NATO

Marine Le Pen Contender for President of France and head of the party “national front” marine Le Pen has promised in case of victory to lead the country out of NATO and the European Union. She stated this in an interview with the Greek newspaper Dimokratia, published on the website of the broadcasting company ERT. According to Le Pen, she plans to hold a Frexit — analogue of Brexit — and calls to join Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Greece and Cyprus. “People should have the opportunity to vote for the liberation from slavery and blackmail, promoted by the bureaucrats in Brussels, to return to their countries sovereignty,” — said the politician. “The British have realized this and voted to secede from the EU, but they did not think never having to replace its pound to the Euro. In the Eurozone, high prices, taxes and unemployment, wages and pensions are falling, people

Trump told about the letter from Putin

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump spoke about the letter he received from his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Details leads Reuters. According to the American leader, Putin proposed to deepen bilateral cooperation and bring the Russian-us relations to a new level. “I hope that we will be able, acting in a constructive and pragmatic spirit, to take real steps in order to restore the framework of bilateral cooperation in various fields and to bring our cooperation in the international arena to a qualitatively new level”, — stated in the message. The American President, in turn, said that he hoped that both countries will “do so”, and not “go alternative way.” Earlier Friday, 23 December, speaking at a press conference, Vladimir Putin while answering one of the questions suggested that former U.S. President Ronald Reagan “would have pleased that members of his party win everywhere, and would be glad for

Israel recalled its Ambassador from New Zealand and Senegal

Benjamin Netanyahu Israel withdraws its ambassadors from New Zealand and Senegal. As reported on Saturday, December 24, TASS, said in a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The Prime Minister urgently returns of ambassadors from Senegal and New Zealand to Israel for meetings”, — the document says. In addition, Netanyahu has ordered to cancel the scheduled mid-January meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Senegal and ordered the foreign Ministry to stop the action of all programs in providing assistance to the country. On 23 December, the UN Security Council approved a resolution, demanding tel Aviv to stop settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territory. The project was originally proposed by Egypt, but then removed them from the ballot. New Zealand, Senegal, Venezuela and Malaysia proposed document for consideration again. Voted 14 members, the United States, from which Israel waited for the blocking of the resolution, abstained.

U.S. authorities have warned of the threat of terrorist attacks during the holidays

U.S. authorities have warned of the possibility of terrorist attacks during the Christmas and new year holidays supporters of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports on Friday, December 23, CNN. Bulletin prepared by the FBI and Department of homeland security, was distributed to law enforcement agencies and private security companies throughout the United States after the sites that support ISIS, published a list of churches open to worshipers during the holidays. The document is not a question of any known specific threats. It is noted that the Bulletin promulgated as a precaution, given the holiday season. The notice also described various signs of suspicious activity that should draw the attention of law enforcement officials. Precautions in the United States declared after the terrorist attack in Berlin on Monday evening, December 19, as a result of arrival of the truck at the crowd of visitors to

Obama has banned military cooperation with Russia

Barack Obama President Barack Obama signed the law on defence spending in 2017, which restricts military cooperation with Russia, gives a global status to the “Magnitsky act” and provides for the supply of weapons to the Syrian opposition. About it reports on Saturday, December 24, RIA Novosti. The document specifically prohibits the US Department of defense to allocate in 2017 fiscal year funds for military cooperation with Moscow until such time as the Pentagon in coordination with the U.S. Department of state notifies Congress that Russia stopped “occupation of the territory of Ukraine and the aggressive actions that threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and members of NATO.” Separately stated prohibition on funding for “any actions” that recognize Russian sovereignty over Crimea. The exception may be cases related to the national security of the United States. The document also provides for the allocation of $ 4.3 billion for

Trump has promised changes in the UN after his inauguration

Donald Tramploline: Israel refused to implement UN security Council resolution Donald trump has promised change in “all that relates to the UN” after his inauguration for President of the United States. About it he wrote on Friday, December 23, Twitter. “Everything about the UN change after the 20th of January,” he promised. Previously, trump has urged the United States to block a resolution prohibiting Israeli construction in Palestine. On 23 December, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2334, requiring Israel to stop building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The document was supported by all security Council members except the US, which abstained. Five years ago, during the consideration of the same resolution, the Washington vetoed. US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said that the continued construction of settlements “seriously undermines the security of Israel.” “You cannot defend the expansion of Israeli settlements and support the establishment of two

The hijackers of Libyan aircraft were armed with dummy

Seized Libyan plane hijackers used the dummy weapons. On Friday, December 23, wrote to the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat in his microblog on Twitter. “The initial data forensics showed that the gun used in the hijacking Afriqiyah Airways — models”, — said in the recording. — Joseph Muscat (@JosephMuscat_JM) 23 December 2016, 17:43 Earlier, Muscat said that both the offender surrendered, they searched and took into custody. According to him, all 111 passengers and seven crew members safely left the Board, the aircraft damage was not caused. 23 Dec a-320 liner of the Libyan airline Afriqiyah Airways, making Sabah a domestic flight to Tripoli was hijacked by two unknown and landed at Malta international airport. It was reported that at least one had a hand grenade. According to local media, the attackers said they belong to the group “al-Fateh al-Jadida”, and made demands to provide safe passage for

The hijackers of Libyan aircraft released several hostages

The hijackers of Libyan aircraft released several hostages. About it reports TV channel TVM, which leads the live broadcast. The Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat in his Twitter confirmed that this is the first group of 25 people, consisting of women and children. — Joseph Muscat (@JosephMuscat_JM) 23 Dec 2016, 13:00 Attackers require to provide safe passage for the rebels, surrounded by government forces near the city of Benghazi. Presumably, two of the hijackers belong to a previously unknown group, “al-Fath al-Jadida”. Earlier it was reported that on Board the liner is at least one invader, armed with a grenade. Presumably, he is a supporter of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. On 23 December, the aircraft A-320, carrying out domestic Libyan flight Sabah — Tripoli was hijacked and landed at Malta international airport. On Board were 111 passengers and seven crew members. Among the hostages are 82 men, 28