The media learned about the plan of the state Department to build relations with Russia

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has prepared a plan for building relations with Russia, said portal BuzzFeed with reference to a secret document. The plan consists of three points. First, it is emphasized that the aggressive actions against the United States — “subject and counter-productive for both sides.” In particular, mentioned attributed to Russia sending weapons to the Afghan Taliban or the harassment of American diplomats in Moscow. The second point involves work on the issues of the US strategic interest. These include the civil war in Syria, quickly realized the DPRK’s nuclear programme, cyber security and cyber espionage. In particular, Tillerson expects that Russia will not increase the volume of trade with Pyongyang after China managed to achieve a ban on the import of coal from North Korea. The third section of the plan devoted to the need to achieve “strategic stability”, which means “the number

Syria accused the coalition for the deaths of 12 civilians in airstrike

The aircraft of the international coalition headed by the USA attacked a settlement near the Syrian-Iraqi border in the Southeast province of al-Hasaka in Syria, killing civilians. It is reported by the Syrian news Agency SANA. According to sources, the victims of the night RAID were 12 people from one family who lived in this village. Sunday, June 18, Syria’s defense Ministry reported that the coalition aircraft have destroyed their su-22. The coalition confirmed the information, saying that protected their partners. Military aircraft allegedly dropped bombs near soldiers of the “forces of the democratic Syria.” The Russian foreign Ministry condemned the actions of the American command. The defense Ministry has terminated the cooperation with the USA in the framework of the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in the skies over Syria. The military named actions of Americans “cynical violation of Syrian sovereignty” and “in fact, military aggression”.

The US administration reacted to the death released from the Korea student

In the US administration put on Pyongyang the responsibility for the death of an American student of Otto Wambier, which occurred a few days after his release from a North Korean prison. President Donald trump with his wife Melania expressed family Bombieri deepest condolences. “For parents there is nothing more tragic than to lose a child in the Prime of life”, — said the head of the White house. According to him, the fate of Bombieri will strengthen the resolve of the administration to prevent such tragedies. In his words, “innocent people” are victims of regimes that “do not respect the rule of law and basic human decency.” “The United States reiterates its condemnation of the brutality of the North Korean regime,” — said trump. In turn, Secretary Rex Tillerson, expressing his condolences, stated that “North Korea is responsible for the unjust imprisonment of Otto Wambier”. He demanded the release

Qatar has refused to negotiate until the cessation of the economic boycott

Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al Thani Qatar’s foreign Ministry announced that it refuses to negotiate with Saudi Arabia and its allies until the complete lifting of the transport of sanctions. About it reports Reuters. “Qatar is now under siege, and no negotiation is possible, — explained the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Emirate, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al Thani. — They should first lift the blockade, then you can start negotiations. Still no progress in this area we have not seen, and without it it is impossible to move forward.” Materials on теме00:06 — 6 JunSeven against Dahican Gulf countries gathered to eradicate the Cathar heresy The Minister thanked the Emir of Kuwait for his mediation, but noted that it had stalled due to the fact that the Saudis and their allies can not determine the requirements. “We still have not even heard of the most common conditions

Saudi Arabia captured three fighters of the revolutionary guards of Iran

Saudi Maritime border guard detained three soldiers of the Iranian Islamic revolutionary guard Corps. About it reports Reuters. As stated in the official statement of the Ministry of information of the Kingdom, now the Iranians questioned by investigators. All detainees were on the boat with weapons, intercepted the patrol vehicle at border marine oil deposits Marjan. Two other boats also allegedly carrying weapons, managed to escape: they are immediately unfolded after the firing of warning shots Saudi patrol ship. Confiscated in the occupied craft a weapon, according to the authorities of the Kingdom, was intended for subversive purposes. On Saturday, June 17, the media of the Islamic Republic said that the ship of the border of Saudi Arabia, on duty in the waters of the Persian Gulf opened fire on Iranian fishing boat. One person was killed. According to Iranian authorities, the boat was blown off course and happened to

Died released from North Korean prison, American student

Otto Wambier American student of Otto Frederick Wambier, sentenced in the DPRK to 15 years in prison for attempting to steal a propaganda poster and was allowed to go home in June 2017, has died in the United States. About it reports Reuters. As reported by the family of the deceased, Wambier died in a hospital in Cincinnati. “Unfortunately, due to the fact, how badly, causing suffering, treated our son the North Koreans, a different outcome could not be”, — stated in the message. Relatives claim that Wambier was subjected to physical abuse by his jailers. The doctors found that the brain of the student is severely damaged, he didn’t understand of speech addressed to him and could not make meaningful movements. 22-year-old young man was more than a year in a coma. While it remains unclear what treatment he provided in prison. Pyongyang said that the condition of the

Media reported about the rescue of a downed coalition pilot USA aircraft of the Syrian air force

Of the Syrian government forces rescued Colonel Ali Fahed the pilot of the fighter-bomber su-22 Syrian air force shot down the international coalition forces led by the United States. This was announced on Monday, June 19, the source RIA Novosti. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, soldier “is in the hospital and his life is not in danger.” As noted, Ali Fahed found about 30 kilometers South of the city of raqqa. The rescue operation was complicated by the proximity of the landing site to the pilot positions of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Previously it was known that the fighter pilot ejected, but his fate is not reported. The evening of 18 June, the Ministry of defense of Syria said that the plane, the air force was shot down near Raqqa during the execution of combat missions against is militants. The coalition led

For nuclear power plants “Bugey” in France a fire broke out

NPP “Bugey” At a nuclear power plant in the town of Bugey, located 35 kilometers from Lyon, the fire started. It is reported by Franceinfo. The fire broke out on the roof of one of the units, which in 2015 is being repaired. At the scene working fire brigades. Reports of injuries and no injuries were reported. However, the operator has introduced a plan of activities in emergency situations: from potentially hazardous areas was launched the plant personnel, about the incident informed the local authorities and the Office for nuclear security of the country. On specialists, to monitor the situation in real time. According energy, radiation leaks. 9 February at a nuclear power plant in the French town of Haubourdin (Basse-Normandie region, North-West of the country) in the engine room of one of the units exploded, then the fire started. Reactor area received no damage. Injured five employees. The administration

The name ran over the crowd at the London mosque attacker

The attacker, sending the van into a crowd at a mosque in London, was 47-year-old Darren Osborne, transfers TV channel Sky News, citing its sources. At the place of residence of Osborne, in the heart of Cardiff is being searched. According to police, the man acted alone. Previously, he was not known to the intelligence services. Neighbors Osborne said that, in their opinion, it is a normal family man. “He has children, he lives in the neighborhood. He seemed polite and pleasant.” On June 19 the van made arrival on the people in the mosque Finsbury Park. In the result one person died, 10 were injured, 8 of them hospitalized. Witnesses said that the perpetrator shouted, “I’m going to kill Muslims”. He was arrested at the scene. The police regard crime as a terrorist attack. Prime Minister Theresa may has condemned the crime.

In Paris armed driver rammed the van gendarmerie

Continuation of: Rammed the van of the gendarmerie in Paris attacker died On the Champs Elysees in Central Paris, unknown on the car rammed the van of the gendarmerie Nationale. It is reported by Le Parisien. After the collision, the car caught fire. Its driver, according to the publication, were detained. He is in critical condition. According to preliminary information, was driving people were found machine. In a burned car discovered the gas tank and ammunition. The engineers began clearing the cars. Law enforcement officers were not injured. In turn, BFMTV, citing a statement by the press Secretary of the city police Pierre-Henri Brande reported that the attacker was killed. According to unconfirmed reports, he previously came into the view of intelligence as potentially dangerous Islamists. The investigation into this matter will lead anti-terrorism Prosecutor of Paris. Police cordoned off the area. The government appealed to the citizens with a