83-year-old Russian has revealed the details of the murder he committed 33 years ago

Baza: an 83-year-old suspect was detained in Chelyabinsk 33 years after the murder In Chelyabinsk, investigators detained an 83-year-old murder suspect perfect 33 years ago. This was reported on Monday, November 29, by the Baza edition. According to the newspaper, the man revealed the details of the crime he committed in September 1988 in Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region. The suspect propped up the door of a residential building on Elagin Street with a log, then poured gasoline over the building and set it on fire. The man and woman who were inside at that moment managed to get out of the flames. On the street they were watched by an arsonist and severely beaten, one of the victims died. In 1989, investigators tracked the alleged offender, but due to a lack of evidence, the man was not guilty and he had to be released. After 33 years, the investigation was resumed,

Winter Universiade 2021 canceled due to omicron-strain of coronavirus

TASS: Winter Universiade 2021 canceled due to omicron coronavirus strain Winter Universiade 2021 canceled due to omicron – strain of coronavirus. This is reported by TASS with reference to the International University Sports Federation (FISU). “The decision is related to the introduction by the Swiss authorities of a mandatory 10-day quarantine for visitors from African countries,” the statement says. < p> The competition was to be held in December 2021 in Lucerne, Switzerland. At the same time, the Universiade had already been postponed: initially it was supposed to take place in January 2021. As part of the Universiade, competitions in ten sports were planned. Students aged 17 to 25 could take part in the tournament. On November 26, it became known that experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the new COVID-19 strain identified in South Africa as a threat to the world. It was named after the Greek

Toyota sales crash

Toyota sales fell 20 percent The world's largest automaker Toyota reported a drop in production and sales, writes Bloomberg. In October 2021, the company produced 627,452 vehicles – 26 percent less than a year ago, when 845,107 cars were produced, and sales fell by 20 percent, to 677,564 units. The fall is due to the continuing shortage of parts and microchips. The company announced that it will increase production in November, following which it is planned to produce 850-900 thousand cars. Toyota improved its annual profit forecast from 2.5 trillion yen ($ 25 billion) earlier this month. On Monday, the company's shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell 3.36 percent to 2005 yen per piece ($ 17.67). At the close of trading, they were worth 2012 yen (minus 3.01 percent). On November 29, Nissan reported that compared with October 2020, production fell by 22 percent, sales – by 16 percent.

Rogozin announced the condition of “dumping” Russia from the troika of space powers

Rogozin: Russia will “fall out” of the three space powers if it does not launch a mission to Venus If Russia does not launch a mission by 2030 to Venus, then in “yalitsya” from the trio of space powers. The condition of being on such a list was announced by the general director of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “Until 2030, we believe this should be done in any case, otherwise we will simply fall out of the three great space powers and will lag behind. This is an unacceptable story, “- said the leader. According to him, many factors can affect the timing of the project, in particular, the lack of electronics or failure in testing. The head of the state corporation recalled that it is planned to send a probe to Venus in cooperation with the United States or another country. In November, Rogozin

The Russian beat his wife to death with a TV and a tape recorder

In Solnechnogorsk, a man beat his wife to death with a TV and also hit a disabled person with a cane – pounced on her with a knife. The Russian woman died, reports KP.RU. According to a neighbor of the deceased, her husband entered the apartment of the Russian woman and told her: “If you don't leave now, there will be more corpses.” The woman had to leave the premises, but her disabled father and the attacker's wife remained inside. After the end of the quarrel, the neighbor decided to go back and saw that the deceased was lying on the floor in blood. “She was still breathing and tried to open her eyes. She had a knife in her back, and her head was badly broken. I asked her to hold on, I said that I would call doctors now and they would help her, ”said a neighbor. A

Net profit of Aeroflot in the 3rd quarter amounted to 11.6 billion rubles

Aeroflot Group in 9 months of 2021 the group carried 34.1 million passengers In 9 months of 2021 Aeroflot Group transported 34.1 million passengers, which is 48 percent higher than the result of the corresponding period in 2020. This follows from the published data of the interim financial statements under the IFRS for the nine months of 2021. According to the report, the volume of domestic traffic has fully recovered and exceeded the level of the same period in 2019. The partial restoration of international flights continued, which remains significantly limited. Aeroflot Group's revenue for 9 months of 2021 increased by 54.7 percent compared to the same period in 2020 and amounted to 362,220 million rubles. Revenue for the 3rd quarter increased 2 times compared to the same period last year, to 167,072 million rubles. EBITDA (profit before interest on loans, taxes and depreciation) amounted to 54,052 million rubles, and

American acquitted after 45 years in prison donated $ 1.5 million

Online donated $ 1.5 million to an unjustly convicted American Kevin Strickland) raised $ 1.5 million through a fundraiser that his lawyer opened for lack of court compensation. It is reported by BBC News. According to local laws, compensation for former prisoners is allowed only if they were acquitted through DNA testing. For this reason, his lawyer decided to open a fundraiser on one of the fundraising sites to help him with household expenses after he was released from prison. More than 27 thousand people responded to the call, who donated a total of $ 1.5 million to the justified American. “Until the system changes where it does not work, people fill the gap,” she commented situation lawyer Tricia Rojo Bushnell, representative of the Midwest Innocence Project, which helps unjustly convicted. Earlier, the organization was approached by a witness in the case, thanks to whose testimony the convicted American was

Prices in a European country have risen at a record

Spanish price increases have reached record levels since 1992 Spain has recorded record price increases since 1992. Inflation in the country accelerated and rose by 5.6 percent in November compared to the same period in 2020, Bloomberg reported. The increase in inflation in Spain was mainly due to higher food and energy prices. The agency notes that the record rise in prices since 1992 also creates additional pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB). Member of the Executive Council of the European Central Bank Isabelle Schnabel said in late November that inflationary risks in European countries continue to grow. She also noted that price increases in the euro area will peak in November, then fall below the ECB's inflation target of two percent. At the end of September, the country experienced the highest price increase since 2008, then the annual inflation in September grew by 4 percent. Its acceleration was

Homeless people are at risk due to climate change

Philanthropists called on the British government to save the homeless from the climate crisis weather conditions that have appeared as a result of climate change on the planet. The letter was published by The Guardian on behalf of the organizations. In their letter, heads of three major UK charities – Shelter, Homeless Link and Crisis – said that the homeless are at increased risk of the climate crisis, which poses a threat to their lives. They called on the government to take urgent action and improve the conditions of citizens in need of housing amid the approaching winter. “Obviously, the climate emergency only exacerbates the housing emergency. The homeless are already feeling the dire effects of floods and heat waves. Rising fossil fuel prices have left many people with a choice between heating their homes and paying rent, ”said Shelter CEO Polly Neath. She warned that the coming winter would

Famous Russian virtuoso musician received the Organist of the Year award

Virtuoso musician Vladimir Khomyakov from Chelyabinsk received the Organist of the Year award Famous virtuoso musician, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Khomyakov won the Organist of the Year award. The award ceremony took place at the Kaliningrad Cathedral on Kant Island. This was reported on the website of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “South Ural”. Khomyakov was recognized as the best in the nomination “For contribution to the profession.” He was the organizer of the international festival “Jazz on the Big Organ”, which has been held for eight years in Chelyabinsk. Guests come to the festival from countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Holland and Austria. “This [awarding] was quite unexpected and pleasant. It's always nice when your work gets some kind of positive assessment. In this case, I have only pleasant emotions, “Khomyakov shared his impressions. The award was established in 2020 by the Foundation for the Development