The Congress of netdialog Syria in Sochi approved three documents

The Congress of netdialog Syria in Sochi approved three documents SOCHI, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. At the end of the Congress national dialogue Syria in Sochi approved three documents, including the list of candidates to the constitutional Commission, said the special representative of the Russian Federation on Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev. “Approved three documents. This final Declaration, the appeal of the participants, as well as the list of candidates to the Commission for consideration of issues related to the development of the Constitution, i.e. the constitutional Commission. It will be sent shortly after approval still a small specific names Staffan de Mistura — representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for further work”, — said the Lavrentiev at a press conference. The Congress of national dialogue Syria took place on Tuesday in Sochi with the participation of all political, ethnic and religious groups of Syria. A key objective of

Valentine thorn: first of all every leader is a professional

Valentine thorn: first of all every leader is a professional “People need to do their work. If the natural data of the person are imposed on his desire to develop in this direction, from the professional with time is a good leader,” — said the newspaper VIEW Valentina thorns, finalist of the contest “Leaders of Russia”. The mentoring system that has been adopted in the “Leaders”, which she considers an invaluable opportunity. To the final of the contest “Leaders of Russia”, which will be held on 6-11 February in Sochi, remains for about a week. In the finals of the 300 managers from 54 regions of the country. Among the finalists were 30-year-old Valentina thorns (St. Petersburg), Deputy General Director auditorsko-consulting group SPG, LLC “Centre of scientific research and audit “Panacea”. Let us recall, for participation in the contest were submitted 199 thousand applications, and in the semi-finals of some

Bloomberg: the U.S. Treasury used data from Forbes to create “the Kremlin’s list»

Bloomberg: the U.S. Treasury used data from Forbes to create “the Kremlin’s list» NEW YORK, January 30. /TASS./ The list of entrepreneurs included in the unclassified part of “the Kremlin list” was compiled by the U.S. Treasury, including on the basis of the list published by Forbes magazine. This was reported on Tuesday by Bloomberg. As noted in the article, this information was confirmed by the representative of the financial Department of the USA. According to him, used was information from open sources, in particular, the materials of the journal. It clarifies the Agency, we are talking about last year’s Forbes number in Russian. Previously, the Agency AP noted that the list of the 96 entrepreneurs in the published document is actually a copy of the list of Russian billionaires compiled by Forbes, the only difference is that their names follow in alphabetical order. As stated by the Agency in

The Minister of Finance of the United States promised sanctions on the basis of the “Kremlin report»

The Minister of Finance of the United States promised sanctions on the basis of the “Kremlin report» The administration expects Congress to declassify a confidential portion of the document, followed by the new restrictive measures, said Steven Mnuchin. WASHINGTON, 30 Jan — RIA Novosti. “Kremlin report” will lead to new sanctions against Russia, said the Minister of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin at a meeting of the banking Committee of the Congress. So he answered the question of when the administration intends to take action against those who made the list. Proposals on sanctions — an unprecedented work, and we will use this report as part of the planned course to impose sanctions. Do not interpret this to mean that we do not introduce sanctions against some of the mentioned in the report.Steven Machinelist of the Treasury He added that the sanctions would be the consequence of the closed part of

The families of the victims of the crash in Ukraine MH17 won a lawsuit against Igor strelkov

The families of the victims of the crash in Ukraine MH17 won a lawsuit against Igor strelkov In the United States, the court upheld the claim of relatives of 25 victims of the disaster Malaysian Boeing in the South-East of Ukraine against the former Minister of defence DND Igor Girkin (strelkov). Information about this is available on the website of the program Zembla that aired on the TV channel VARA. That claim, reporters learned from the lawyer of the applicants. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий A class action lawsuit, the families of victims of the crash in the summer of 2015 filed in U.S. District court for the Northern district of Illinois. The dead whose relatives went to court, had the nationality of the United States and the Netherlands. The counsel for the appellants believes that Girkin is responsible for the crash of the Malaysian airliner in July 2014 in the South-East of Ukraine.

Medvedev: the authorities of the Russian Federation will adequately respond to possible further sanctions, the US actions

The Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev © Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS GORKI, January 30. /TASS./ The authorities of the Russian Federation will adequately respond to possible further sanctions, the US actions against Russia. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev after talks with his Belgian counterpart Charles Michel.

Medvedev reminded the supporters of the sanctions on the necessity of cooperation in the fight against terror

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS GORKI, January 30. /TASS./ Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is confident that the rejection of the consultations of the Russian Federation with European countries on security can please only terrorists, and it must be remembered the supporters of sanctions. “If such consultations [on security] not – pleased only with the terrorists, he said at a press conference after talks with Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel. – Here we have to remember that everyone who voted for the introduction of those or other sanctions.”

Putin said about the inclusion in the list of all US 146 million Russians

Putin said about the inclusion in the list of all US 146 million Russians Moscow to refrain from reciprocal steps: “not going to look for trouble,” said the President. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a today’s meeting with his Trustees made a joke that offended by the fact that it was not included in the “Kremlin report” published by the U.S. Treasury. “It’s a shame, listen,” the President reacted to a question from Trustees about the attitude to the report. According to him, Russia will refrain from retaliatory steps Moscow will wait for developments: We are not going to look for trouble, to aggravate the situation. We want and will patiently build relationships so, how ready the other side, the American, in this case. Putin said that today morning he was informed about the Kremlin report, but the list he wasn’t looking. “We have to think about yourself,

“Armata”, “Sarmatians” and “Zircons”: what are the priorities of the state armament programme until 2027

“Armata”, “Sarmatians” and “Zircons”: what are the priorities of the state armament programme until 2027 The emphasis of the new SAP will be placed on the development of nuclear deterrence forces and supplies to the troops and precision weapons. TASS talks about the major weapons innovations of the Russian army in the next decade. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the adoption of a new State armament programme (SAP) 2018-2027 years. He stressed that during these years the military-industrial complex (MIC) Russia will work “steadily and rhythmically” and the strategic objective is to increase by 2025 the share of civilian products in the defense enterprises to 30%, and by 2030 — up to 50%. Only the implementation provided by SAP 20 trillion roubles, from them 19 — for procurement, maintenance and development of weapons and military equipment. Special emphasis will be placed on equipping the forces with precision weapons of air,

Medvedev called not getting into the “Kremlin report” reason to quit

Medvedev called not getting into the “Kremlin report” reason to quit Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev at a press conference following the meeting with Belgian counterpart Charles Michel commented on the published U.S. Treasury, “the Kremlin report.” “The value of this list is zero, it tends to zero”, — said the Prime Minister. According to Mr. Medvedev that if Russia has prepared a list, which included “the administration of the President of trump as a whole, the house of representatives, Senate (U.S.), Supreme court, office of attorney General”, “what would have happened in America — nothing.” “The same thing will happen in our country — nothing,” he said. Dmitry Medvedev also said that the US has no other people for contact with Russia except those who came in the “Kremlin report”. 29 January the US Treasury Department released a document about the officials and businessmen close to Vladimir Putin.