Polish deputies proposed to estimate military losses from the actions of the USSR

Polish deputies proposed to estimate military losses from the actions of the USSR WARSAW, July 30. /TASS/. Poland after 2019 can count the losses allegedly incurred by the Republic during the Second world war as a result of actions of the Soviet Union. The proposal was made in published on Monday an interview with the newspaper Rzeczpospolita Deputy from the ruling Republic party “Law and justice” (ZIS) Arkadiusz Mularczyk, which deals with the issue of obtaining reparations from Germany for the damage caused to the country by Nazi Germany. The subject of reparations began to be discussed in Poland since July last year, when the leader of ZIS Jaroslaw Kaczynski said that the country has never refused compensation from Germany. Who was then the Minister of national defence, Anthony Macierewicz said in Polish TV that, from a legal point of view Warsaw is every reason to demand reparations from Berlin.

Why Pyongyang prefers a hacker attack a nuclear attack

Why Pyongyang prefers a hacker attack a nuclear attack After the summit of leaders of the United States and the DPRK Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN, the debate around the North Korea issue has focused on the issue of denuclearization. However, according to expert estimates nuclear warheads — not the most terrible weapons that are in the hands of Pyongyang. “Газета.Ru” cybernoise talks about North Korea — one of the most dangerous and numerous armies of hackers in the world. A year ago it was hard to imagine that the DPRK will be talking seriously about denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. If you believe the us President Donald trump, in the month after the summit in Singapore, the government of North Korea had dismantled four “major testing ground”, and stop ballistic missile tests. In conditions of instability of American foreign policy to Pyongyang’s refusal of the main guarantor of its

Russia has simplified the payment of property taxes

Russia has simplified the payment of property taxes MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin has signed a law that allows citizens to transfer property taxes in a single payment. The document published on the official portal of legal information. The innovation will come into force from the beginning of 2019. Individuals will be able to transfer into the account of the Federal Treasury single payment to pay transport, land tax and property tax. Payment should be transferred at the place of residence or stay of the taxpayer, and if it is not, then at the location of his estate. A single payment for the citizen will be able to make any other person. NewsPay for air, shade and sun. The most unexpected taxes in the world Also from next year to pay taxes and other payments stipulated by the Tax code, it will be possible through multifunctional centers

Liberated Palmyra General Kartapolov will be responsible for “Warmia”

Liberated Palmyra General Kartapolov will be responsible for “Warmia” Commander of the Western military district (ZVO), Colonel-General Andrey Kartapolov was appointed Deputy Minister of defense Sergei Shoigu for the political and educational work, according to RBC with reference to sources in the defense Ministry and in an environment of mister Kartapolov. “Kartapolov will be the eleventh Deputy Minister. In particular, in its submission to General Directorate for work with personnel, which is responsible for “Warmia” and everything Patriotic education”, — said the interlocutor of RBC in the military. Own sources “” this information was confirmed, adding that the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin about the appointment of General Kartapolov was signed yesterday, July 29. Andrey Kartapolov was involved in planning the Syrian campaign in the main operations Directorate of the General staff of the armed forces, and subsequently also managed to direct a Russian group from December

McCain has proposed a way to protect NATO from trump

McCain has proposed a way to protect NATO from trump Republican Senator John McCain suggested at the legislative level to prohibit the President of the United States Donald Trump single-handedly make the decision on the country’s withdrawal from NATO. It is reported portal T-online Together with several parliamentarians McCain introduced a bill under which the US withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would be impossible without the approval of the Senate. “With this law, McCain wants to protect the transatlantic military Alliance from the American President,” according to the news portal. NewsWhat does Donald trump’s attacks on the press The Senator believes that the us leader “mistreated the USA’s allies in NATO”, therefore the American government had doubts about the commitment of Washington to NATO. McCain said that NATO has made US such a successful and safe country. He added that the allies for 70 years sacrificed themselves “for

The President signed the law specifying the requirements for the registration of foreign NGOs in Russia

The President signed the law specifying the requirements for the registration of foreign NGOs in Russia Moscow. July 30. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a law that specifies the procedure of accounting and registration in tax authorities of the structural subdivisions of international organizations and foreign non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Russia. The document was published Monday on the official website of legal information. Under current law, foreign NGOs in the establishment of a branch or representative office must be included in a special register. For this to the notice of the establishment of the NCOs must make the founding documents, a document outlining the goals and objectives of creation of branch or representative office, as well as the position on NGOs. The law provides that from March 1, 2019, the tax authorities are obliged to carry out registration of international organizations, foreign NGOs, non-profit, non-governmental

McFaul said that the inclusion in the sanctions list of the Russian Federation has ruined his academic career

McFaul said that the inclusion in the sanctions list of the Russian Federation has ruined his academic career NEW YORK, July 30. /TASS/ — the Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia said that his research has concerned Russia. He recalled that for nearly 30 years engaged in scientific activities and is a Professor. “Almost all my research was concerned with Russia, — said ex-Ambassador. — I can no longer conduct research in the Russian Federation”. “I are currently in the sanctions list, but even if I would ever to be expelled, I’ll never be able to go to Russia,” McFaul said, referring to the already mentioned “enemies list”. “My scientific career regarding writing [work] and research is over,” he said. “My life has changed dramatically,” added the former Ambassador. In November 2016, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, speaking on Russian TV, said that the reason for the

What does Donald trump’s attacks on the press

What does Donald trump’s attacks on the press When last year the President of the United States Donald trump for the first time called the media “an enemy of the people”, it caused widespread outrage. The Republican Senator from Arizona Jeff Flake called this statement an example of unprecedented and unwarranted attacks by the White house on free press. When trump uttered this phrase in the second, third and fourth times, all just shrugged their shoulders. This is the unique talent of the current American President — he is able to take actions or say things that were never before possible, and turn them back to normal. However, even if the phrase no longer appears in the headlines, journalists still remember well. When a few weeks ago in the newspaper office in Maryland whistling bullets, the risks of the profession — even in established Western democracies, regardless of the incitement

Senator Graham said that U.S. sanctions against Russia are not working

Senator Graham said that U.S. sanctions against Russia are not working NEW YORK, July 30. /TASS/ — a Republican called for the introduction of new restrictive measures against Moscow. Answering the question of the host of the Fox News channel whether it supports the introduction of additional sanctions against Russia, Graham said, “a hundred percent”. As the Senator said, he “commends” the President of the United States Donald Trump, who, in his opinion, “tougher attitude to Russia” than the previous head of the administration of Barack Obama. “But it’s not working,” said Graham, according to which Moscow “is still trying to influence” the electoral process in the United States. As stated by the lawgiver, he is satisfied that the trump on Friday held a meeting of the national security Council at the White house to discuss measures to ensure security of the upcoming November mid-term elections in the U.S. Congress.

Britain intends to strengthen relations with China after Brexit

Britain intends to strengthen relations with China after Brexit After Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, the Kingdom will seek to strengthen relations with China. According to the head of the British foreign office of Jeremy hunt, is due to the fact that, after Brexit, the country will be more open to the world. Statement hunt made on 30 July before a visit to Beijing, which will be his first foreign trip as the head of the British foreign office. In China, hunt will meet with Chinese foreign Minister Wang Yi “Because the UK leaves the EU and becomes more open to the world, we are committed to deepen this very important partnership in the XXI century”, — quotes the hunt Agency TASS. It is expected that the parties will discuss the importance of multilateral and free trade, climate change, development, security and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the enforcement of