Russia has simplified the payment of property taxes

Russia has simplified the payment of property taxes

MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin has signed a law that allows citizens to transfer property taxes in a single payment. The document published on the official portal of legal information.

The innovation will come into force from the beginning of 2019.

Individuals will be able to transfer into the account of the Federal Treasury single payment to pay transport, land tax and property tax. Payment should be transferred at the place of residence or stay of the taxpayer, and if it is not, then at the location of his estate. A single payment for the citizen will be able to make any other person.

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Also from next year to pay taxes and other payments stipulated by the Tax code, it will be possible through multifunctional centers providing public services. Delay the transfer of funds by the local administration, post office or MFC will be punished by a fine in the amount of 1/150 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, but not more than 0,2% per every day of delay.

As noted in July, the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma budget Committee Gleb Khor, citizens can pay property taxes in advance, without waiting for a tax notice. It will be enough to transfer any amount to the special account of the Federal Treasury. Since the tax accrued, the Agency will debit it from the account.

The choir also noted that before the tax authority will make the final test, the citizen will be able to return the listed advance, but within the limits of his balance. For this we need to write a statement to the tax authority. The funds returned within one month from the date of receipt of the application. For delayed will accrue interest at the rate of refinancing per every day of delay.
See also:

  • In Saransk the bailiffs are unable to recover from the Depardieu tax debts
  • The foreign spouse will be limited in choice of place of residence in Russia without a family

