Russia was accused of organizing riots in American Charlottesville

Russia was accused of organizing riots in American Charlottesville The FBI is confident that Russia was involved in the organization of mass riots in Charlottesville (Virginia) in 2017. In an interview with CNN, said a member of the house of representatives of the Congress of the United States Thomas Garrett. “A couple of months ago I attended a closed briefing by the Director of the FBI, and among other things asked whether Russia’s intervention with bloating “fire” taking place in Charlottesville. I said Yes,” said the Congressman, adding that this information is not secret. According to Garrett, the intervention of Russia is to “to set Americans against Americans, to undermine the credibility of Western democracies.” 12 August 2017 in Charlottesville neo-Nazis held a spontaneous torchlight procession, requiring local authorities to refuse demolition of the monument to Confederate General Robert Edward Lee. After that, the city erupted in riots, which injured

Latvian politician claimed it was a “disaster” due to poor relations with Russia

Latvian politician claimed it was a “disaster” due to poor relations with Russia MOSCOW, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Latvia there is a catastrophic situation in the sphere of transit due to bad relations with Russia, said candidate MPs from the party “Consent” Alexey Medvedev in his video in Facebook. I like a man who was born and lived all his life in Ventspils — a city where the main source of revenue is the port — I can not remain silent about the catastrophic situation which developed in our country in the field of transit.Alex Mediadependent a member of Parliament from the party “Consent” “The rapid decline of cargo in transit has a negative impact not only on the residents of those cities, where there are ports. It affects all the people of our country”, — said Alexey Medvedev. According to him, in 2016, sea and rail transportation

Putin sent in Aktau, where, after 22 years of negotiations, will be assigned the status of the Caspian sea

© Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS MOSCOW, August 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the invitation of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev sent on Sunday in Kazakhstan, where in the city of Aktau will host the fifth Caspian summit, reported the press service of the Kremlin. The leaders of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan will consider key aspects of cooperation in the Caspian region in various fields, will discuss the implementation of decisions taken at previous meetings of the heads of States of the “Caspian five”. However, the key event of the meeting would be the signing of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea, which was conducted in 1996. “The Central event will be the signing at the highest level of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea, which was conducted in 1996”, – said the press service. History Dialogue in the format of

Iran announced the return of Russia in the second batch of enriched uranium

Iran announced the return of Russia in the second batch of enriched uranium MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. In the near future Russia will deliver the second batch of enriched uranium, said the official representative of the atomic energy Organization of Iran, behrouz, Kamalvandi. According to him, after signing a deal on the nuclear issue, the Iranian side stopped producing 20 percent nuclear fuel and exported its surplus in storage in Russia of about ten parties. Thus, Kamalvandi noted that Tehran had received the first batch of about seven months ago. “Any of these parties can be used throughout the year, so we have 20% fuel for the research reactor of Tehran at least seven or eight years,” — said the representative of the organization, quoted by the Fars News publication. He also said that Iran agreed to stop production of enriched uranium on the condition that the nuclear

Behind trump: how NATO conspired without US President

Behind trump: how NATO conspired without US President The final document of the NATO summit was agreed upon before it begins without a trump. The final document of the NATO summit could be signed before the launch and without direct participation of the President of the United States Donald trump. Thus, American and European diplomats hoped to avoid a repetition of the scandalous G7 summit, when trump refused to sign the final communiqué. According to The New York Times, the initiator of the idea to agree on a document behind trump was his Advisor for homeland security John Bolton. The final document of the NATO summit, which took place in Brussels 11-12 June, was agreed before the meeting. This writes The New York Times, citing the words of five unnamed us and European officials familiar with the discussions. According to the newspaper, the document was agreed before the NATO summit

Shoigu reminded the Germans lead in talks with Russia “from a position of strength”

Shoigu reminded the Germans lead in talks with Russia “from a position of strength” MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Russia will not tolerate a conversation from a position of strength, stated in an interview with TV channel “Russia 24” Minister of defense Sergei Shoigu. He commented on the statement of the Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen, who in April stated the need for a hard line in relations with Russia. Shoigu advised a German colleague to remember the history. The Minister also reminded what the consequences cited such statements. “Ask the grandparents: what is it like to talk with Russia from a position of strength. They’ll probably be able to tell you,” he said. In summary, Shoigu noted that Russia remained open to any contacts and equal cooperation. Recently, some European countries are encouraged to build a dialogue with Russia with the “position of strength”.

Iran’s Supreme leader called for the opposition’s economic war

Iran’s Supreme leader called for the opposition’s economic war MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei called for “quick and fair” legal action to confront the economic war in the country, reported IRNA. Earlier, the head of the judicial system of Iran Sadeq Amoli Larijani had written a letter to the Supreme leader, stating that “the enemy has unleashed an economic war against the Iranian people,” and asked to give permission for the adoption of the “decisive and rapid action in the framework of the law.” I agree with this proposal. The goal is to quickly and fairly economic to punish corrupt officials. Please advise the appropriate judicial decisions.Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme leader USA Monday restored large-scale sanctions against Iran, which was previously suspended as a result of a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program. Trump in the beginning of may

Turkey intends to move to settlements in national currency with Russia

Turkey intends to move to settlements in national currency with Russia ANKARA, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Turkey is preparing to move to settlements in national currency with its major trading partners, said the President of the country Tayyip Erdogan. Such a statement the Turkish leader came amid a crisis in relations between Ankara and Washington. On the eve of the US President Donald trump announced the increase of duties on imported Turkish steel and aluminium, which caused another drop in the Turkish Lira to a historic low. Among the States in trade with Turkey which will be transferred to the national currency, Erdogan called Russia, China, Ukraine and Iran. “If the countries of Europe also want to get rid of the shackles of the dollar, that Ankara is ready to go with them on the same calculation,” said the President, quoted by the Anadolu news Agency. Erdogan also said

Moskalkova told about the condition of the crew of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”

Moskalkova told about the condition of the crew of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin” MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. The Commissioner for human rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Liudmyla Denisova told the Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova on the status of the crew members of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”. Earlier, permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea Borys Babin announced that the SBU intends to arrest the Russian ship, who came to Kherson port. According to him, “the Mechanic Pogodin” belongs to a company from Russia, which is under Ukrainian sanctions. As told the press Secretary of the Russian Ombudsman Alexei Sovetov, on Board the tanker are 12 sailors who went ashore. “They have food, water and medicines. The sailors so far no complaints. Neither administrative nor criminal”, — he said. Denisova also said Moskalkova that the sailors had not met with the Russian Consul. However, if

The white house strongly condemned Russia’s use of chemical weapons

The white house strongly condemned Russia’s use of chemical weapons WASHINGTON, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti, Tatyana Kalmykova. The United States strongly condemns Russia’s use of chemical weapons, calling the attack against Sergei and Yulia Skrypalia “reckless”, informed RIA Novosti the representative of the Council for national security White house. This is the first White house statement on new sanctions imposed against Russia. All statements previously came from the U.S. Department of state. “The United States strongly condemns Russia’s use of chemical weapons, which violates its obligations under the Convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons. The attack on Sergei Skripal and Julius in Salisbury, United Kingdom 4 March 2018 was reckless disrespect to the generally accepted norm against chemical weapons”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The White house noted that “the Secretary of state has complied with its obligations in the framework of the Law on the elimination of