Shades of the second round

Shades of the second round How and why the losing candidates in the Khabarovsk Krai and Vladimir oblast. Upstairs In the Khabarovsk region Vladimir region and second rounds of gubernatorial elections with a wide margin won by candidates from the liberal democratic party who are not going to win. The Deputy of the state Duma Sergey Furgal in Khabarovsk scored 76% of the vote — more than many candidates from the ruling party in the elections on 9 September. Mr Sipiagin from Vladimir received 57%. The staffs of the heads of regions tried before the second round to work on the mistakes, but the results were disappointing. The winner of the gubernatorial elections in the Vladimir region, the head of the LDPR faction in the legislative Assembly Mr Sipiagin personal fame is not possessed: he passed in the legislative Assembly on partspiskov, which was headed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky. On the

Natalia Poklonskaya proposed to raise the retirement age

Natalia Poklonskaya proposed to raise the retirement age The Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya is suggested not to change the age of retirement. Upstairs “At the end of last week I was introduced his amendment. First, leave the retirement age unchanged, but when it is reached (that is, 55 and 60 years, respectively) women and men have the right to choose: to retire or to continue working,” — wrote on his page “Vkontakte” Ms. Poklonskaya. She also suggested increasing pensions by 3% in relation to the amount already accrued for each year of work. According to its plan, the payment will be charged after dismissal. NewsPoklonskaya remembered about conscience, after Putin’s speech on pensions Natalia Poklonskaya finds that residents of Russia are interested in increasing work experience. Those women and men who are not able to work after 55 and 60 years, respectively, on the proposal of the

Italy will toughen migration rules

Italy will toughen migration rules Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU — the Council of Ministers of Italy, unanimously approved the decree “on security and migration”, which received in the country the name “the Decree Salvini”, informs on Monday news Agency ANSA. Upstairs The decree facilitates the expulsion of migrants and gives more room in order to deprive them of citizenship. In particular, among the measures — deprivation of citizenship of people accused of international terrorism, as well as the suspension of requests for asylum to migrants who are accused of drug trafficking, sexual harassment and infliction of grievous bodily harm. The initiator of the bill Deputy Prime Minister and interior Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini applauded the adoption of the decree. “I’m happy. This is a step forward to make Italy more safe”, — he wrote in Facebook. The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, said that the new decree will

Expert: political stagnation does not threaten Russia

Expert: political stagnation does not threaten Russia The result of the recent second round of gubernatorial elections, a number of experts have rushed to announce “a systemic crisis of power”, and that not only United Russia, but the authorities in General inferior to their positions. And now certainly they will lose in the near future. Upstairs However, if you look at the numbers, it is not so, although, of course, for EP the passage of several gubernatorial candidates from the opposition parties and was not something pleasant. However, it should be noted that such “difficult” for the ruling party of regions is four. Thus, while only two of them the opposition won. In Primorye, the election results cancelled and will need to look like in the end, elections will be held. On the other hand, in Khakassia, the candidate from the ruling party withdrew his candidacy, and it is still

Zharov reported to Putin about the fight against pirates in the Internet

Zharov reported to Putin about the fight against pirates in the Internet All the major pirate sites are blocked in Russia, said the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Transcript of the meeting published on the Kremlin website. Upstairs Zharov said that a few years ago, the Russian Internet was a “brand of pirate harbour”. “Any Prime Minister immediately appeared on hundreds and thousands of resources and people watched it for free, albeit in bad quality, but, nevertheless, it has happened,” he recalled. Now among the blocked resources about 6,000 pirate sites. 11 000 such sites removed the pirated content at the request of the Department. “The numbers speak for themselves”, — said Zharov. He said that most complaints of rights holders was connected with the movies. “More than 6,000 claims in three years were filed mainly by our companies, and a very small

Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed to reduce the number of deputies of the state Duma

Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed to reduce the number of deputies of the state Duma LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the round table “Improvement of electoral legislation of the Russian Federation” has declared, that considers possible to reduce the number of deputies in the state Duma. Upstairs “They sit 450 deputies, are unable to act — then voters complain that he sits, can’t see him, he reads the newspaper. Imagine every day to be silent. But we can’t give opportunities to speak to all the 450,” said Mr. Zhirinovsky. He expressed confidence that fewer deputies would “resolve these issues”. Newsof the Party raised the price of votes Vladimir Zhirinovsky has voiced this idea before. So, in 2010 he proposed to reduce the number of Duma deputies to 200, highlighting, thus, “money for modernisation”. In 2017, Mr. Zhirinovsky was convinced that the Duma will be enough and 300 deputies. Recall, the lower house

The Kremlin saw the elements of surprise in the results of the second round of regional elections

The Kremlin saw the elements of surprise in the results of the second round of regional elections Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU the Results of the second round of gubernatorial elections in several regions had for the Kremlin, the element of surprise, stated the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Let’s just say there really is an element of surprise” — he said to journalists on Monday, responding to a question. “Again, it will be an occasion for analysis, in order then to correct the work,” continued Sands. However, the press Secretary noted: “elections are Elections, and when the President speaks on the priority of competitive, free, fair and fair elections, this is what he has in mind.” The candidate from LDPR Vladimir Sipiagin in the second round of elections of the Governor of the Vladimir region on September 23, won with a score in 57,03% of the vote,

“I am a supporter of regional egoism”

“I am a supporter of regional egoism” The new Governor of Khabarovsk Sergey Furgal has made the first statements. Upstairs Victorious in the second round of elections of the Governor of Khabarovsk territory the promoted worker of LDPR Sergey Furgal has announced a change in the region. In the next two weeks the new government is formed in the region that is expected to focus on the recovery of the industry, innovative approaches in working with the business, fundamental changes in the social sphere. The inauguration ceremony of Sergey Furgala office will be held next week. As Chairman of krajizbirkoma Gennady Namesnow, after processing 100% ballots, the Deputy of the state Duma from LDPR Sergey Furgal has won the second round of elections with a score of 69.6% of the votes. The former head of the regional United Russia Vyacheslav Shport — 27,97%. The turnout was 47% vs 36,09% in

Russia will give Syria the s-300

Russia will give Syria the s-300 Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU — Russia in the next two weeks will give the Syrian military anti-aircraft missile system s-300, said Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Upstairs “Syrian armed forces in the next two weeks will be transferred to advanced anti-aircraft missile system s-300. It is able to seize the means of air attack at ranges over 250 km, and at the same time hitting multiple air targets,” — said Shoigu. “Let me stress that in 2013, at the request of the Israeli side, we suspended the delivery to Syria of s-300 complex, which was prepared for shipping, and Syrian soldiers have been trained. Today the situation has changed. Not our fault,” — said the head of the Russian Ministry of defense.

Ukraine decided to postpone the negotiations on the Donbass from Minsk

Ukraine decided to postpone the negotiations on the Donbass from Minsk Permanent representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Volodymyr Yelchenko proposed to postpone the negotiations on the Donbass from Minsk to another capital, accusing Belarus of bias against the Ukrainian initiatives. His words leads the Ukrainian TV channel “Direct”. Upstairs “I personally fully support it, I don’t remember who proposed it, some group of Deputy we have in Parliament, that we should just migrate to this area from Minsk to some other capital. With all my respect to Belarusian diplomacy, but I can’t this position to understand what kind of neutrality are we talking?” — said Yelchenko. “Very strange is the position of Belarus, which everywhere speaks to the fact that they support such a difficult neutrality,” he added. Elchenko has noticed that Belarus is “chronically vote against” any Ukrainian initiatives in the UN, even if they do not