Austrian Chancellor admitted the possibility of lifting sanctions against Russia

Austrian Chancellor admitted the possibility of lifting sanctions against Russia Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz has supported the gradual abolition of anti-Russian sanctions in the event of settlement of the conflict in the Donbass, writes on Sunday, December 30, the German newspaper Rheinische Post. “I have acted as Minister of foreign Affairs, that, as suggested by former Minister of foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier, linking a gradual lifting of sanctions specifically with the progress in the East of Ukraine” — quoted by Kurtz edition. In his opinion, the first step in this direction should be a genuine ceasefire in the Donbass. However, “in recent months, it was too little movement,” said the Chancellor. However, Kurtz drew attention to the fact that the Ukrainian government must take an interest in the establishment of the ceasefire. On 3 October the Chancellor said that without the participation of Russia is impossible to solve the

UK has announced the opening of new military bases

UK has announced the opening of new military bases London plans to open new military bases in the Caribbean and in Southeast Asia after the British exit from the EU. It is reported by The Sunday Telegraph, citing defense Minister Gavin Williamson. 6фотографий6фотографий According to him, the country aims at expanding its military presence abroad. The newspaper’s sources said that the new base may appear in Singapore, Brunei, on the island of Montserrat or in Guyana, which is part of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Estimated time of opening databases according to the source, “a few years”. Williamson noted that the UK is ready to once again become a global player, and the armed forces play an important role. In his opinion, the political focus will shift after Brexit, and the country will be to establish closer relations with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Caribbean and Africa. A British exit from

Putin left without congratulations of the heads of Ukraine and Georgia

Putin left without congratulations of the heads of Ukraine and Georgia Russian President Vladimir Putin did not mention the head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and the head of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili in his new year letter to world leaders, political and public figures. Congratulation published on the official Kremlin website on Saturday, 30 Dec. Putin to appeal to every world leader stressed the importance of the further development of bilateral relations and took positive note of implemented during the year projects. However, congratulating the British Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Theresa may, the Russian leader was not talking about international relations, limiting wishes “good health, happiness and success”. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Putin promised continued full support in the fight against terrorism and the protection of sovereignty.

Glackin, Chubais and others, had said officials in 2018

Glackin, Chubais and others, had said officials in 2018 “The brain must be included. That’s all. When you are in authority” — the Council gave all Russian officials, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. To these words many should heed. Recently officials regularly make very ambiguous statements. Then you have to make excuses, and some even have to find a new job. “Газета.Ru” made a selection of the most scandalous and controversial statements of Russian officials and parliamentarians in 2018. Maxim Oreshkin: the ruble seems “very stable”. Russian ruble on the background of the new rounds of Western sanctions and increasing rates of Federal reserve system of the USA has fallen since the beginning of the year almost 20%. But government officials are not discouraged. They nodded at those who have fared even worse and did a good face on a bad game. If you look at a number of other countries

Time for a change

Time for a change Medvedev and his team have big plans. How it will change the lives of Russians? “” continues to sum up the results of 2018 and to tell you what will happen with the Russians in 2019. Nine months ago, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has collected upgraded government and formed plans for the development of the country in the coming years. The most important of them took the form of national projects and will be implemented from 1 January and can truly make the lives of Russians better. These are projects in the areas of health, supply of medicines and digitalization of education. In addition, the government is working on humanization of the legislation. A new government with a rate of economists The first noticeable change in the political structure of Russia took place immediately after the reassignment of Dmitry Medvedev as Prime Minister. He partially renewed

Ukraine predicted dollar loss

Ukraine predicted dollar loss How Russian sanctions will affect the country’s imports. Russia sent new year’s sanctions against Ukraine. The government adopted a decree banning the import of certain food products and industrial goods. The black list includes 55 items, including chocolate, pastries, fish, meat, alcoholic products. The trade turnover between Russia and Ukraine in the current year grew. For the first 6 months, it amounted to almost $6 billion, 30% more than last year, follows from the data of the Federal customs service of Russia. What impact will these sanctions? Former Minister of economy of Ukraine, President of the Center for market reforms Volodymyr Lanovoy notes that this creates problems for Kiev, but after a few years of restraint ricochet hit at Moscow itself. Interviewed By Anna Pestereva. — The Ukrainian market is now in a poor state, the capacity of it shrinking, so it is a blow to

Zakharov commented on the complaint of Bi-bi-si

Zakharov commented on the complaint of Bi-bi-si MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The British broadcasting Corporation BBC has asked the Russian foreign Ministry with a complaint of leakage of data about its employees, said the official representative of the Ministry Maria Zakharova. The BBC has previously stated that it has forwarded to the foreign Ministry a complaint after the publication of the personal data of the employees of its Moscow edition. The publication in the British Times names of journalists of the Bureau of Sputnik, the BBC did not respond. “No complaints from bi-Bi-si on the end of the working day of 29 December was received in the Department of information and press, no one from bi-Bi-si not addressed: head Bureau never called or wrote. Even though all the phones they are well known,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. According to her, on Saturday at 16.55 in the foreign Ministry

The talks between Putin and Lukashenko lasted 3.5 hours

The talks between Putin and Lukashenko lasted 3.5 hours Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko held on Saturday the Kremlin talks, which lasted about 3.5 hours, reports TASS. During the meeting, the leaders discussed further development of relations between the two countries. The previous meeting took place on December 25. Press Secretary Mr. Lukashenko Natalia Eismont said broadcast show on TV channel “Belarus 1” that the President of Belarus at the meeting, gave his Russian counterpart for the New year fat and four bags of potatoes. “I can say that not only potatoes gave Alexander Lukashenko, Vladimir Putin, in fact, as far as I know, the President of Russia loves a good sale” she said on the air. According to her, Mr. Lukashenko knows about the preferences of their colleagues, so “in the previous visit and brought the fat, the most delicious, of course, chosen by

The barricades and the burning of the Bank of France: “yellow jackets” walked the Ruan

The barricades and the burning of the Bank of France: “yellow jackets” walked the Ruan Earlier, the demonstrators held a series of demonstrations at the headquarters of the largest media. Following the action of the “yellow jackets” is scheduled for new year’s eve. 19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий “Yellow jackets” burned at Rouen, the entrance to the local branch of the Bank of France. According to police, the demonstrators were aggressive, pelting the guards with stones, burning trash bins, and erecting barricades. On the streets of Rouen, according to the Prefecture, went from 800 to a thousand people. #Manifestation29dec #GiletsJaunes Actions des #GiletsJaunes dans le centre-ville de @Rouen : jets de projectiles, feux de poubelles, barricades, incendie de la porte d enceinte de la Banque de France, taggs@PoliceNat76 intervient pour votre sécurité — Police nationale 76 (@PoliceNat76) 29 Dec 2018 Earlier, the “yellow jackets” held a series of demonstrations at the Paris headquarters

Poroshenko extended the control zone of Ukraine in Black sea

Poroshenko extended the control zone of Ukraine in Black sea MOSCOW, 29 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law “On the area of Ukraine”, which regulates the Maritime border of the country and punishment for violators, according to the website of the President. According to the document, the adjacent area of Ukraine is considered to be the area of the open sea, bordering the territorial waters, the outer boundary of which is at a distance of not more than 24 nautical miles. This period is counted from the baselines of the territorial sea. It is assumed that the authorized body for the protection of the state border may stop, inspect, detain or arrest of judgment, as well as members of their crew, with the exception of warships and other government ships used for non-commercial purposes. In addition, when the attempt of the vessel