General Ogloblin was in counterintelligence

General Ogloblin was in counterintelligence In the case of “Voentelekoma” arrested defense Ministry official. As it became known “Kommersant”, the list of the accused and arrested on loud criminal case about the theft of almost half a billion rubles in the execution of prisoners between the defense Ministry and JSC “Voentelekom” state contracts for the modernization of military communication systems added a new helper. He became a major-General Alexander Ogloblin, who until recently headed the 1st Chief of the communications office (GUS) the military Department. According to investigators, the military, acting as customer equipment, it could be in proportion with his alleged accomplices. They, by the way, and gave his testimony. Alexander Ogloblin was detained by officers of the military counterintelligence and arrested 235th garrison military court at the request of the Chief military investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, which accuses the General of a large fraud

As a result of gas explosion in Perm high-rise building suffered up to eight people

As a result of gas explosion in Perm high-rise building suffered up to eight people Moscow. May 23. INTERFAX.RU — Several people were injured as a result of a gas explosion in a residential high-rise building in the Industrial area of Perm has informed “Interfax” a source in the operational headquarters on the spot. “Previously, in a residential house on the street And in one of the apartments exploded household gas. Injuries received four to eight people,” — said the source. Verified information about the death of one victim in the ambulance. Earlier, eyewitnesses in social networks reported the cotton and subsequent fire in a residential apartment building in Perm. During the download an error has occurred. “On the upland now something very much “boomed”. Have designall vehicle in the area and even the house a bit shaken,” writes the user of one of the Perm public. As reported on

American diplomats complained to the acoustic attack in China

American diplomats complained to the acoustic attack in China The U.S. diplomatic mission in China told that their employee in this country has experienced an “abnormal sensation of sound and pressure”. He explained that they are “thin and vague”. This was reported on the website of the Embassy. Diplomats have developed a special instruction for those who are experiencing similar symptoms. It is noted that the us government is serious about such statements. The document provides advice on what needs to move where there are no sounds, if the person begins to experience acute auditory and touch sensations. In November 2016, American diplomats complained in Cuba for the malaise, including dizziness, nausea and hearing problems. It has affected more than 20 employees of the diplomatic mission in Havana, as well as two citizens of Canada. In the US, the incident tied with sound attacks. The Cuban authorities denied any involvement,

MN370 search will end on may 29

MN370 search will end on may 29 Experts believe the collapse of the Boeing technical disaster. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий SYDNEY, may 23. /Offset. TASS Pavel Vanichkin/. Australian experts, who for nearly three years unsuccessfully waged in the Indian ocean in the search for the missing 2014 Malaysian Boeing 777 (MH370), continue to assume that the cause of the crash of the airliner was not a deliberate act decided to commit suicide pilot, and technical problems. About this informed the head of the search team at the Australian Bureau of transport security (ABBT) Peter Foley, speaking at a hearing in the Federal Parliament. The last time Australian audiences once again began to show to this mysterious disaster attention. Recently, several well-known independent experts made in the local media with the statement that the cause of the crash “Boeing” were the actions of captain Zahari Ahmad Shah, “committed the act of mass murder and

Retired British military for five months lived in the woods and plundered the French

Retired British military for five months lived in the woods and plundered the French PARIS, may 23 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. Former British soldier spent six months hiding in the forest of the French Department of Vienne and robbed residents of the small town, reports on Wednesday channel BFMTV. The first man at the age of about 50 years, was detained in April 2017. He was suspected of committing 40 burglaries. Then the ex-military literally “disappeared in the nature”, and the court ruled on 15-month prison sentence in absentia already. Was also issued a European warrant for his arrest. Then the theft was resumed. The locals began a search of the thief. His tent is, well disguised, was in the forest. According to local police, the man used his skills from the military life to make a dwelling in the forest and hide in it. Inside the tent found

Ransomware is two years held at Bay village in Transbaikalia

Ransomware is two years held at Bay village in Transbaikalia Moscow. May 23. INTERFAX.RU — IN the TRANS-Baikal region sent a criminal case to trial against 20 members of criminal group which for two years kept in awe the settlement Mogzon, reports a press-service regional UMVD. On account of the accused of dozens of thefts, extortion, robbery and beating of the victims, the report said. According to the press service, one of the victims, the accused was taken to the cemetery, where they demanded to give them your Bank card and name pin. The activities of the group prevented employees of Interdistrict Department on struggle against organized crime regional Ministry of internal Affairs in the fall of 2015. To gather evidence, the staff of Investigative management of UMVD of Russia on Transbaikalian edge held dozens of investigation, has interviewed over 100 victims and witnesses. For the period of the preliminary

Hermitage said claim to 856 million rubles in the case of former Deputy Minister of culture

Hermitage said claim to 856 million rubles in the case of former Deputy Minister of culture MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. Hermitage said the compensation claim of more than 856 million rubles in the case of former Deputy Minister of culture Grigory Pirumov, told RIA Novosti lawyer Natalya shatikhina, representing the interests of the Museum. “The Hermitage was acquainted with the resolution on the recognition of his victims… we had exercised their procedural right to file a civil lawsuit to defendants in the amount of advances is not going to build, and actually sputtered between group companies for their theft. The price of the claim is more than 856 million rubles, which was previously established through the arbitration of the case,” she said. The counsel sees reason to believe that a significant amount of property that can cover to a large extent indebted to the Hermitage, was placed on

The bombing of the bus in Debaltsevo suffered two children

The bombing of the bus in Debaltsevo suffered two children DONETSK, may 22 — RIA Novosti. Two children were injured in an explosion in a passenger bus in debaltseve said on Tuesday the health Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic. Previously, the DNR office at the Joint center for control and coordination (JCCC) of the ceasefire, reported the explosion in a passenger bus in Debaltsevo, one person was killed and two injured. According to preliminary information, the explosive device was inside the bus. “Two of the victims were children. They were hospitalized to the city hospital № 1 of the town of Yenakiyevo in a serious condition, they are provided with emergency medical care,” — said RIA Novosti representative of the Ministry of health.

The source reported on the grenade attack on a bus in Debaltsevo

The source reported on the grenade attack on a bus in Debaltsevo Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU on the bus in Debaltsevo, according to preliminary data, exploded grenade, reported “Interfax” an informed source. “Previously, the bus was laid pomegranate. It exploded after the bus started moving,” said the source. Law enforcement authorities of the DNI establish the causes of the incident and are searching for persons involved in the explosion. The DNR representative in the Joint center for control and coordination for ceasefires earlier told reporters that at 15:50 in debaltseve explosion of the trip bus № 1, moving on the street Kurchatov. According to him, currently we know of one killed and two wounded.

Media: in Debaltsevo there was the undermining of the trip bus

Media: in Debaltsevo there was the undermining of the trip bus DONETSK, may 22. /TASS/. One person was killed and two injured on Tuesday as a result of blasting of the passenger bus in the village of debaltseve, which controlled proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) areas. This was announced by the head of the representative office of the DNI in the Joint center for control and coordination of ceasefire Ruslan Yakubov. “Today at 15:50 in debaltseve explosion of the trip bus № 1, moving on the street Kurchatov. According to preliminary information, the explosive substance was inside the bus, — quoted him as saying Donetsk news Agency (DAN). — At the moment we know of one killed, two wounded.”