In the USA the married couple has filed a lawsuit against Apple because of the accident with the death of her daughter

In the U.S., the couple decided against Apple in a lawsuit in the California lawsuit. On Monday, January 2, reports channel ABC.

According to him, the reason was an accident that occurred on Christmas eve 2014 at one of the highway near Texas city Dallas. In the car, where he sat a couple James and Bethany Modisette, as well as two of their daughter, crashed car, at the wheel which was 20-year-old Garrett Wilhelm. As a result, spouses and one of the girls was seriously injured and five Moriya from the received traumas has died in hospital.

The police have established that at the time of the collision, Wilhelm used installed on his iPhone app for FaceTime video conferencing.

Modisette accused Apple that the company is not concerned about the safety of the users of its products and others, because it did not provide the option of blocking FaceTime when moving at high speed. The couple claim that the use of this app was the cause of the accident and the death of their daughter. They require the Corporation to pay compensation, its amount was not reported.

22 December it became known that Nokia has filed lawsuits against Apple in several courts of Germany and the United States. The Finnish manufacturer accuses U.S. Corporation in patent infringement,

