The head of the CIA said there was “reliable evidence” of use of chemical weapons by Assad’s forces

Mike Pompeo

American intelligence agencies have “reliable evidence” that confirm the application of the Syrian government forces of chemical weapons in the town of Khan Shaykhun. This was stated by the head of the CIA Mike Pompeo, reports TASS.

According to him, the US President Donald trump instructed to recreate the incident in the Syrian province of Idlib, and the necessary work was done. “Intelligence came to the conclusion that the attack was indeed used chemical weapons, and that it was used by the Syrian regime,” — says Pompeo. “I knew that the intelligence community had reliable evidence, evidence that we could provide to the President and to which he could rely”.

Pompeo declined to specify what kind of proof are we talking about and assured trump that intelligence agencies are confident in their conclusions.

April 7, trump has been ordered to launch a missile attack on the airfield shirt used by Syrian government aircraft. In all there were 58 cruise missiles. Three days before that in Khan Sheyhun (Idlib), controlled by the Syrian opposition, the attack occurred with the use of chemicals. Killed 87 people, injured about 200. Assad’s opponents and Western countries accused in the attack, the air force of the government troops.

Russia’s permanent representative at the OPCW Alexander Shulgin July 6, complained that the Organization’s experts refused to visit the injured of the city and the shayrat airbase, where Syrian planes flew on bombing alleged chemical boepripasami. He lamented that still “it is not known whether the incident by spraying or explosion, which it was a kind of explosion in the air or on the ground.”

On 30 June the Russian foreign Ministry called questionable data underlying the report of the technical Secretariat of the OPCW on the incident in Khan Sheyhun. “The content of the report is largely biased, which suggests the presence of a political order”, — reads the statement of the foreign Ministry.

