Proven coffee life extension

Proven coffee life extension

American scientists have shown that daily consumption of coffee reduces the risk of mortality from all causes. For this for 16 years experts have observed about 190 thousand volunteers of different origins.

A study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, and briefly about it, reports the University of southern California (USA).

Experts have observed about 190 thousand volunteers — blacks, Japanese-Americans, whites and Hispanics. Respondents whose age at the beginning of the study ranged from 45 to 75 years, depending on intake of coffee, were divided into several groups.

The average follow-up period was 16 years, to the end of the study died about 60 thousand people, of which 36 per cent from cardiovascular disease and 31 percent of cancer.

After adjusting the results of the study (gender, age, Smoking, alcohol consumption and level of physical activity) proved that drinking one Cup of coffee per day on average 12 percent reduce the risk of death from all causes, three to 18 percent.

This result is not depended on contained do drink caffeine. “Coffee includes a lot of antioxidants and phenolic compounds, which play an important role in cancer prevention,” explained the results of a study co-author Veronica Setiawan.

