Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert released early from prison

Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert released early from prison

Earlier, Olmert was convicted of corruption. He became the first convicted head of government in the history of the Jewish state.

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, already convicted for corruption, on Sunday ahead of schedule left on freedom.

In February last year, he began serving a 19-month sentence, which was sentenced for accepting bribes in exchange for assistance in the construction of elite residential complex “Holyland” in Jerusalem, and obstruction of justice.

He became the first head of government in the history of the Jewish state, visited the prison.

Olmert was serving a sentence in prison “Maasiyahu” 20 kilometers South of tel Aviv, where mainly convicted for economic crimes.

Last week he went to the hospital with complaints of pain in the chest area. During the hospitalization, which lasted a few days, a number of Israeli politicians called for early release of 71-year-old politician, Recalling his services to the state.

Olmert, who served as foreign Minister in the center-right government of Ariel Sharon, headed by the Cabinet in 2006 after Sharon suffered a stroke and fell into a coma, and has led the government for three years.

Prosecutors decided not to appeal the decision of the Israeli of the pardon Commission, which on June 29 agreed to early release of ex-Prime Minister, told the newspaper “gaarets”.

In December last year, also ahead of schedule, was released from prison former President Moshe Katsav was sentenced on charges of sex crimes.

