Flying from Khabarovsk Board of Aeroflot turned halfway

Flying from Khabarovsk Board of Aeroflot turned halfway

The Airbus A330 of Aeroflot flying from Khabarovsk to Moscow on Monday morning, about two hours flight was forced to return to the departure airport where it made an emergency landing.

The local branch of the transport Prosecutor’s office began check — according to authorities, the aircraft returned to point of departure due to technical problems.

The plane, EN route flight SU-1711, took off from Khabarovsk at 10:35 am local time (0:35 Moscow time). After some time, by the decision of the commander of the crew, the decision was made return to airport of departure.

Four hours after departure, at 14:15 local time (7:15 am GMT), the plane made an emergency landing at the airport of Khabarovsk. Anybody from passengers has not suffered.

According to the source of the Agency Interfax, the plane returned due to technical problems with the chassis, but no official confirmation of this information. The company “Aeroflot” has not yet made any statements about the incident.

Transport prosecutors for the Far East began checking the incident.

The Minister said that the plane returned due to technical problems.

Returned to Khabarovsk, the passengers will get to Moscow one day later — now they are recorded on the evening flight.

In early may, three dozen passengers of the flight “Moscow — Bangkok” were injured when the Boeing 777 company “Aeroflot” has hit the “air pocket”. Some of the passengers were fixed fractures.

