Rapid development of COVID-19 vaccine explained in the center of Gamaleya

Professor Butenko: a vaccine against COVID-19 was created quickly due to the presence of such technologies named after N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Alexander Butenko, in an interview with URA.RU, explained the rapid development of a vaccine against COVID-19.

According to a specialist, a vaccine against coronavirus was created in a few months, since molecular genetic platforms. “It just remained to connect the components. In the case of Sputnik V, adenovirus-26 and adenovirus-5 are used as vectors, ”Butenko said, noting that they were combined into a genetically engineered construct so that it would produce protective bodies against coronavirus in vaccinated people.

At the same time, Professor of Virology, Chief Researcher of the Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya, Anatoly Altstein, in an interview with the publication, emphasized that such a similar method of creating vaccines has existed since the 80s of the last century. “It is very difficult to replace one vaccine with another, so the methods have been worked out,” he said.

Altstein stressed that they were not used because there were old vaccines, and it is rather difficult to replace them. “When this epidemic arose, these methods were used, which had been perfected since the 80s,” the source explained.

He added that the scientists who created the COVID vaccine had a lot of experience. “And to make a new vaccine technologically was no longer a big deal. And then came the tests, which showed that it is acceptable, causes the formation of antibodies, protects, “- said the professor.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health of Russia registered a vaccine against coronavirus for adolescents. Based on the results of clinical trials, the drug for COVID-19 has shown high efficacy and safety.



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