Russian shot and killed his partner during an illegal wild boar hunt

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kuban: a poacher shot his partner while hunting a wild boar -service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory.

The incident happened on November 25. Two residents of the village of Bzhedukhovskaya went to hunt wild boar in the Belorechensky reserve.

“In the course of committing illegal acts, not only a wild boar was caught, but one hunter inflicted a gunshot wound on another,” the message says. The injured poacher died on the way to the hospital.

Arriving at the scene, law enforcement officers and the state inspector of the Ministry of Natural Resources for the region found two unregistered hunting rifles and a killed wild boar. An investigation is underway into the incident.

In mid-November in Yakutia, in the zone of absolute peace of the Syugdzher reserve in the Nyurba region, a judge, a bailiff and an FSB officer were detained during an illegal hunt. Weapons, ammunition, 13 deer carcasses and one sable were seized from them.

