The Attorney General's submission consists of & nbsp; two requests for & nbsp; consent to & nbsp; deprivation of immunity of a deputy. The & nbsp; first talks about & nbsp; prosecution for & nbsp; illegal hunting, & nbsp; the second & nbsp; & mdash; on & nbsp; administrative responsibility under & nbsp; part 2 of article 12.26 of the Administrative Code for & nbsp; non-compliance by the driver of the vehicle with the requirement to & nbsp; undergo a medical examination for & nbsp; state of intoxication.
According to & nbsp; data from the Committee of Hunting and & nbsp; Fishing of the Saratov region, October 29 & nbsp; Rashkin was caught with the & nbsp; carcass of a killed moose in a & nbsp; car. As the deputy himself claimed at first, he & nbsp; found the carcass while walking in the & nbsp; forest, and & nbsp; decided to take it home. However, not far from the & nbsp; machine, the inspectors also found the skin and & nbsp; other parts of the animal. A criminal case was initiated on & nbsp; illegal hunting. In the & nbsp; current qualification, the case assumes up to & nbsp; two years in prison, but, as explained to RIA Novosti, lawyers, in the & nbsp; future, the accusation may be toughened, and & nbsp; the sanction will be & nbsp; already up to & nbsp; five years.
On & nbsp; last week Rashkin posted a video on his & nbsp; YouTube channel, in which he said that he had shot a moose. In addition, he & nbsp; expressed his willingness to buy a moose and & nbsp; bring her & nbsp; for breeding to & nbsp; a place where he had previously hunted. On & nbsp; Monday, the deputy said that & nbsp; morally considers himself guilty of & nbsp; illegal killing of a moose, noted that & nbsp; is ready to pay 80 thousand rubles of damage, buy a moose and & nbsp; release it in the & nbsp; Saratov forest, so that material and & nbsp; biological damage would be fully compensated.