The new German government spoke about the future policy towards Russia

Coalition agreement of the German government: relations with Russia will be built following the example of the EU (EU) without deviating from the course of unification. This is stated in the text of the coalition agreement.

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“Russia plays an important role as an international actor. We know the value of strong and stable relations and will strive to preserve them (…), taking into account different perceptions of threats and focusing on a common and consistent EU policy towards Russia, ”the document says.

In addition Moreover, the new government of the FRG spoke about the future policy regarding international treaties. Thus, Germany will continue to insist on the entry into force of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START) between Russia and the United States.

Earlier, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) finally agreed with the parties Union90/Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) a coalition agreement that will become the basis for the work of the FRG government. The parties presented the document at a press conference on November 24.



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