TFR: a resident of Kurtamysh shot his wife out of personal hostility and committed suicide and then committed suicide. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR).
The murder took place on November 18 in the house of the spouses. According to the investigation, the man committed a crime motivated by personal hostility.
Investigators opened a criminal case under article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder”). They intend to establish all the circumstances of the incident.
Local residents said that the man returned from the North, where he worked on a rotational basis. There was a discord in the family, the spouses were going to divorce, perhaps this was the cause of the emergency, the Kurgan edition of “Meridiana” reports.
The deceased was buried in a closed coffin, because her face was badly damaged from gunshot wounds. “She was a very talented woman. She worked in a house of culture. A good person, “said Natalya, a resident of Kurtamysh.