The Pentagon reorganized the UFO tracking team

Previously, the & nbsp; US Navy included a working group on & nbsp; Unidentified Flying Objects. The new structure will have a longer name: a group on & nbsp; identification and & nbsp; approach synchronization to & nbsp; aerial objects, in & nbsp; English abbreviation & nbsp; & mdash; AOIMSG.

& quot; The team will synchronize actions in & nbsp; Department of Defense and & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the entire US government & nbsp; detection, identification and & nbsp; attribution of objects of interest in & nbsp; special airspace zones. It will also assess and & nbsp; reduce any associated threats to aviation safety and & nbsp; national security & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; Pentagon report.

& nbsp; The Department of Defense takes reports of & nbsp; incursions of any aerial objects, identified and & nbsp; unidentified, very seriously, and & nbsp; investigates each of & nbsp; them & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; at the & nbsp; Pentagon.

