Doguzova discussed with the Minister of Tourism of Egypt the queues at the airports of the republic Khaledom Elenani proposed measures to avoid queues at the republic's air terminals. Writes about this TASS.
“We understand that the queues at airports are due to thorough screening in the interests of the safety of our tourists, which is an absolute priority. However, we fear that the scale of the problem may increase in winter, when the flow of tourists from Russia to Egyptian resorts will increase significantly, “the head of the department said.
To resolve this issue, Doguzova suggested redistributing passenger traffic, using additional boarding gates, as well as equip waiting and resting areas for Russian travelers.
According to Eleanani, at the moment he is considering the possibility of changing the flight schedule and increasing the throughput of checkpoints in the country's air harbors. In addition, the minister promised to personally monitor the provision of comfortable conditions for tourists while waiting.
checks in the departure area. The problem is that the security screening requirements have been tightened at the terminal, which only serves flights with Russians.