Russian teacher Lukhovitsky on Bastrykin's call to cancel the Unified State Exam: this will cause torment in an interview with “” criticized the proposal of the chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, to cancel the unified state examination (USE).
According to him, Bastrykin is not an expert in the field of education, and “it is not clear why someone should listen to his opinion. ”
I hope that it will not occur to anyone this or next year to suddenly take and cancel the Unified State Exam. This will cause such torment for the children, and for the parents, and for the teachers that it will take five years to shake the school. Probably, Mr. Bastrykin knows well what torture is, but as far as I know, most children, parents and teachers over the past 15 years have already got used to the form of the exam
Vsevolod Lukhovitsky, Russian language and law teacher, member of the Teacher trade union. Bastrykin's proposal
At the conference “The Role of Law in Ensuring Human Wellbeing,” the Chairman of the CK Russia said that the Unified State Exam should be canceled, since “this is just some kind of torture for young people.”
Bastrykin also called for the revival of the Soviet school of education. In his opinion, she was the best in the world, “everyone has always recognized this, and our legislative proposals should be aimed at this.”
In response, Lukhovitsky said that the Soviet formation, which in all respects was better, it's a mythologeme.
There was something better, there was something worse, in any case, in modern capitalist Russia, trying to suddenly completely return the Soviet education means returning the Soviet industry at least, so this is a completely meaningless conversation
Vsevolod Lukhovitskiy, teacher of Russian language and law, member of the” Teacher “trade union Support for the Unified State Exam
Rosobrnadzor considers the complete rejection of the unified state examination to be unjustified, as this may reduce the quality of education. “Unified approaches and procedures organized at the federal level motivate schoolchildren to study,” the department noted.
Rosobrnadzor also recalled that the exam confirmed its relevance as an effective mechanism for selecting applicants for admission to Russian universities.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Unified State Exam provides an opportunity for schoolchildren from the regions to enter the country's leading universities. However, he called the criticism of the system fair. He noted that the USE is being modernized. In particular, a mixed system is used for admission (the USE and entrance examinations in universities – approx. “” ).
An alternative to the USE
Experts suggested instead of holding exams in the USE format to evaluate Russian schoolchildren according to their current performance. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Sergei Komkov believes that when giving an average score, one should also take into account all the student's achievements in various fields: competitions, quizzes, creative works.
The teacher of Russia, candidate of psychological sciences Alexander Snegurov also proposed a different format for assessing the education of schoolchildren: taking into account the results of control and diagnostic works, final essays, participation in competitions, olympiads. As he believes, this will increase the motivation for education, and not one-sided, as at present, but comprehensive.
Even if the Unified State Exam remains as one of the forms of certification work. But this exam doesn't have to be the only one. Indeed, as a result, we see how more and more people are leaving schools, switching to full-time and part-time education, ignoring the supposedly unnecessary subjects in favor of visiting endless tutors and preparing for the exam at home. And so schools will soon become empty
Alexander SnegurovTeacher of Russia, PhD in Psychology
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science (Communist Party faction) Oleg Smolin, in turn, offered to give children the right to choose: take the exam and internal entrance examinations at universities, or write an essay and pass an oral exam. This method of testing knowledge will contribute to the admission of applicants to creative universities, the expert believes.
In June, the head of the Russian Ministry of Education, Sergei Kravtsov, spoke about plans to replace the USE, noting that the ministry was ready to consider alternative mechanisms for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren. “If someone proposes another mechanism for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren, objective, most importantly, independent, then we, of course, will be happy to consider and discuss it,” he said.
Russian opinion
In May, SuperJob held a poll, during which it was found out that 68 percent of Russians are in favor of abolishing the Unified State Exam. Another 16 percent of the country's residents consider this assessment of knowledge to be correct.
Those who voted against the Unified State Exam noted that in the process of preparing schoolchildren are taught to solve only problems of a certain type, while they need to know and understand the subject more broadly. Those who reacted positively to the unified state exam emphasized that this form of certification helps to minimize incidents of corruption, and also makes it possible to compare the level of education in different schools and allows talented students from the regions to enroll in large universities.
The head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev said that Russia is unlikely to completely abandon the Unified State Exam by 2030, but it will change due to digitalization. According to him, in the near future the exam will acquire new forms.
Most likely, by 2030 we will see some completely different procedure, all this is associated with the colossal digitalization that is now taking place not only in Russia
Anzor Muzaev Head of Rosobrnadzor
The decision on the need to leave the Unified State Exam only for those entering higher educational institutions should be made by the expert community, Muzaev noted. At the same time, in 2020, about ten percent of schoolchildren refused exams. This suggests that not all graduates need the USE to obtain higher education.
The USE format will be changed from 2022 to 2024. In the fall, on the official website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, they promised to publish documents that would establish the content and structure of the KIM USE in 2022. These standards will allow schools to form the necessary skills and abilities among students at the level of secondary general education in accordance with the subject requirements included in the FSES of secondary general education.