The head of the Communist Party commission on & nbsp; investigation of the incident, Yuri Sinelshchikov, told Gazeta.Ru that the & nbsp; know exactly what actions will be discussed.
“ I & nbsp; do not & nbsp; know what & nbsp; means [under certain actions] when a man in the & nbsp; forest shot a moose. Maybe there is a prohibition to shoot the male [moose], because he shot the female. I don't & nbsp; know. But, most likely, we are talking about & nbsp; a ban on holding rallies, processions, a ban on & nbsp; appearances in the & nbsp; media, a ban on & nbsp; doing any work in & nbsp; as the first secretary of the city committee. This is probably how it will look & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; suggested the politician.
Sinelshchikov said that & nbsp; today's meeting of the State Duma commission on & nbsp; the Rashkin case passed “ violently. '' In the course of the event, it was recommended to remove immunity from the & nbsp; deputy, but & nbsp; this issue will be finally resolved in & nbsp; a few days.
“ With & nbsp; parliamentary immunity will be decided the day after tomorrow, we will have a plenary session. The commission decided to & nbsp; initiate a criminal case against Rashkin, conduct searches at & nbsp; his place of residence and & nbsp; & nbsp; his place of service and & nbsp; apply to & nbsp; a tricky sanction & ldquo; prohibition of certain actions & rdquo;. Three people were & ldquo; against & rdquo;, the rest were & ldquo; for & rdquo ;. All factions are & ldquo; for & rdquo;, Communist Party & ldquo; vs. & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; explained the communist & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; explained the communist.