Participant in the storming of the Capitol received more than three years in prison for hitting a police officer

An American who stormed the Capitol on January 6 received 41 months in prison for hitting a police officer three years in prison for hitting a police officer during the January 6 riots. ABC News reports this.

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It is noted that the 44-year-old American became the first person convicted of attacking a law enforcement officer during the riots in the Capitol. He was found guilty of punching a police officer's face shield, as well as inciting other members to take over the Capitol. According to the prosecutor's office, the officer was not injured, but described January 6 as the worst day of his career.

In total, the court sentenced Fairlemb to 41 months in prison. This is the longest of all 32 sentences handed down in this case to date. The participant in the assault himself pleaded guilty, and also called his actions during the riots irresponsible and reckless.

After the US presidential elections in November 2020, Donald Trump's supporters, dissatisfied with the victory of Joe Biden, stormed the Capitol. This happened after the January 6 rally. During the riots, a demonstrator and a policeman were killed, and three more died from causes unrelated to violence. The police were able to remove the assault participants from the Congress building, after which Biden's victory was announced.

