Rogozin found in Russia three Russian allies

Dmitry Rogozin

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin wrote a post on Twitter about the three allies of Russia and congratulated them on February 23. He used the famous quote of Alexander III “throughout the world we have only two true allies — our army and Navy”, which the Emperor liked to repeat to his Minister, while adding “everyone else at the first opportunity, they will turn against us.”

Rogozin, using a statement and called the third ally — the military-industrial complex of the country.

Dmitry Rogozin (@Rogozin)
February 23, 2017, 05:54

Earlier Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Sevastopol military defender of the Fatherland Day and the Day of the people’s will, which is celebrated on 23 February 2014.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had also approached the Russians with a greeting. He recalled the heroic deeds of Soviet and Russian soldiers, and also spoke about the valor and patriotism of the veterans of the great Patriotic war. “Members of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation persistently improving its military skills, possesses the new weapons and equipment, successfully opposed to international terrorism,” he recalled.

The defender of the Fatherland day celebrated in Russia every year since 1922. The celebratory date was established in honor of the fourth anniversary of the red Army on the orders of the RSFSR.

