In the Fes reminded about the schedule off next week

The Federal service for labor and employment reminded that next week residents will work from Monday to Wednesday inclusive (20-22 February). Followed by four days off in connection with the holiday — defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 was declared “to Interfax” the Deputy head of Rostrud Ivan Shklovets.

“Next week will be only three working days (…). The next Wednesday we have a holiday working day reduced by one hour,” he said.

“In order to ensure the rational use of working time the government had previously taken the decision to transfer the weekend from Sunday, January 1, on Friday, February 24. So it turned out extra long weekend from 23 to 26 February,” said Sklover.

As for the celebration on March 8, 2017 international women’s day will occur on Wednesday and divide the working week into two equal parts. “It will be one day off. Pre-holiday working day, which falls on Tuesday March 7, will be shortened by one hour,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

In August 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the transfer of the holidays in 2017. Fell on weekend 1 and on 7 January moved to February 24 (Friday) and may 8 (Monday).

