The Crimean authorities have predicted that Poroshenko ambulance political death

Vladimir Konstantinov

Failure to comply with the Minsk agreements by Kiev and the coming to power in the United States the new administration will inevitably entail political death of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko already in 2017. This was stated by the head of the state Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, reports video News Service on Friday, February 3.

“All his [Poroshenko’s] statement is rhetoric, which has little to do with his real sentiments. He’s for sanctions, tomorrow he will sing the Russian national anthem and salute us in his hands — nothing will change,” — said Konstantinov. Thus, the MP commented on the words of the Ukrainian leader that he is a supporter of lifting the sanctions against Russia if the conditions for a peaceful settlement in the South-East of Ukraine and the restoration of the territorial integrity of the country.

“This man as a politician “died” to the Crimean people a long time ago for the crimes he committed. But as a politician of the Ukrainian it “die” this year”, — said the head of the state Council. He added that in this situation, Poroshenko has two options: to voluntarily resign or to run away.

Earlier on Friday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin at the security Council meeting of the world organization said that the Kiev authorities use them provoked clashes in the town as a reason for complete rejection of the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

On 2 February President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a joint Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban press conference in Budapest was of the opinion that the intensification of armed confrontation in the South-East of Ukraine happened because of the needs of Kiev in the money and the desire to see yourself as a victim in the eyes of European partners.

Clashes in Donbas have intensified on January 29. The locals called the fighting near Avdeevka most intense from August 2015.

