The state Department announced the deaths of dozens of Ukrainian military near Avdeevka

The United States is concerned about the deteriorating situation in Eastern Ukraine and call for the immediate restoration of the ceasefire. This is stated in a statement issued on Tuesday, January 31, on the website of the US state Department.

As noted in the foreign Ministry, the fighting has already led to the deaths of “tens of Ukrainian military” (Kiev has officially recognized eight dead soldiers APU — approx. “Of the”), as well as ten civilian casualties.

The state Department also said that as a result of aggravation of the situation without water, heat and light there are 17 thousand civilians, including 2.5 thousand children. “To prevent an even greater humanitarian crisis, we call for an immediate cease-fire, steady, full and unhindered access of OSCE observers. We also reiterate the support of the U.S. implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — said in a statement.

Running for several days the fighting near Avdeevka are the most intense from August 2015, when the Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) were massive attacks on the territory of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND).

Earlier Tuesday, the militia said that they were in the hands of the report of the chief of the General staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko about casualties of the security forces over the past two days. According to the document, the two days of fighting APU lost at least 78 soldiers killed and 76 wounded.

