Russia announced a military response to NATO's attack on “sore spots”

“Everyone understands everything perfectly, there is a moment of truth in & nbsp; relations between Russia and & nbsp; NATO. You can't constantly step on the & nbsp; sore spots of Russia, you need to be determined. The conversation must be serious, and & nbsp; everyone in & nbsp; NATO understands perfectly well, despite & nbsp; all the power and & nbsp; power, that & nbsp; it is necessary to take concrete political action, and & nbsp; otherwise the alternative & nbsp; & mdash; these are the military-technical and & nbsp; military responses of Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said & nbsp; & nbsp; on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel.

Gavrilov also pointed out & nbsp; that & nbsp; need to talk closely with & nbsp; Washington, discuss specific proposals, whether the States want it or not.

Earlier in & nbsp; this day, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced & nbsp; that & nbsp; the United States had not yet & nbsp; responded to & nbsp; Russia's proposals on & nbsp; security guarantees. With & nbsp; this, he & nbsp; allowed a positive development of relations with & nbsp; Washington, if the United States meets halfway on this issue. According to Ryabkov, the States are unlikely to & nbsp; will & nbsp; refuse Russia's proposals.

However, according to & nbsp; his opinion, the American administration may try to translate this issue into a & nbsp; sluggish process, while Moscow urgently needs an answer on guarantees, because the situation tends to & nbsp; deteriorate.

On the eve of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko stressed that & nbsp; Moscow's proposals on & nbsp; security guarantees do not & nbsp; contain a hidden agenda, they are understandable and & nbsp; frank.

On December 17 & nbsp; the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft treaties of Russia with & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; NATO on & nbsp; guarantees security. As follows from the & nbsp; documents, in & nbsp; in particular, the alliance should abandon & nbsp; conduct any military activity on the & nbsp; territory of Ukraine and & nbsp; other states of Eastern Europe, Transcaucasia and & nbsp; Central Asia. The United States promised to give an answer to the & nbsp; proposals of Russia. As noted by a source from the & nbsp; White House, the & nbsp; administration of the US President found some of the & nbsp; proposals useful, and & nbsp; others & nbsp; & mdash; unacceptable.



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