Putin spoke about the CIA officers in the Russian government in the 90s

In the & nbsp; 1990s, the & nbsp; Russian government employed personnel from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), said at & nbsp; President Vladimir Putin of the Council for the & nbsp; Development of Civil Society and & Nbsp; Human Rights , official employees of the Russian government were sitting, as it later turned out, staff members of the US CIA & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said & nbsp; (quoted from & nbsp; RIA Novosti).

According to the & nbsp; President, later in the & nbsp; United States, they & nbsp; were prosecuted for & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; they & nbsp; violated American law by participating in & nbsp; privatization & raquo; when they worked in & nbsp; Russia. Putin did not & nbsp; give the names of these employees.

In & nbsp; April 2013, during a straight line, Putin said that & nbsp; CIA officers in the & nbsp; era of privatization worked in the & nbsp; environment of Anatoly Chubais (in the & nbsp; early 1990s, he & nbsp; headed the State Property Committee and & nbsp; was the Deputy Prime Minister, oversight Until the end of the 90s, he was a member of & nbsp; several government structures, in & nbsp; including in the & nbsp; position of First Deputy Prime Minister, was the Minister of Finance, headed the presidential administration. ; December 2020 became the president's special representative for & nbsp; relations with & nbsp; international organizations).

& nbsp; Upon & nbsp; returning to the & nbsp; USA, they & nbsp; were brought to & nbsp; court for & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; they & nbsp; violation of the laws of their country enriched in & nbsp; the course of privatization in & nbsp; Russian Federation. And & nbsp; did not & nbsp; had the rights to & nbsp; as acting intelligence officers. They were & nbsp; under & nbsp; law within the & nbsp; USA were prohibited from engaging in any & nbsp; whatever & nbsp; was a commercial activity, but & nbsp; they did not & nbsp; resist & nbsp; & mdash; corruption, you know & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the president spoke then.

As RIA Novosti reported with & nbsp; citing a & nbsp; source, Putin could have in & nbsp; mind Andrei Shleifer and & nbsp; Jonathan Hay, who were consultants to the Russian government on & nbsp; privatization issues. In the & nbsp; late 90s in the & nbsp; USA they were & nbsp; accused of & nbsp; illegal enrichment. According to the & nbsp; data of the investigation, Shleifer and & nbsp; Haye, in addition to consulting activities, were engaged in investments, which & nbsp; is prohibited by US law on & nbsp; corruption. In & nbsp; 2005, the court sentenced Shleifer to & nbsp; a fine of & nbsp; $ 28.5 & nbsp; million.

In & nbsp; 2013, Chubais said that & nbsp; before & nbsp; Putin's statements, he considered information about & nbsp; CIA agents in & nbsp; his environment as rumors, since neither & nbsp; during his work in the & nbsp; Cabinet, nor & nbsp; later, he was not provided & nbsp; document, “ which & nbsp; would at least to & nbsp; some & nbsp; degree confirm this information. ''

In & nbsp; May 2021, in & nbsp; interview with Kommersant; Chubais said that & nbsp; in & nbsp; Russia there are structures “ that should be engaged in identifying, detecting and & nbsp; making decisions on & nbsp; about such comrades. '' “ So I & nbsp; would like to ask, and & nbsp; what & nbsp; did they do? What & nbsp; did our special services do in & nbsp; 1992, 1993? Their & nbsp; question. Failed? & Raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; asked & nbsp; he. According to & nbsp; Chubais, he & nbsp; would & nbsp; & quot; found the guilty and & nbsp; severely punished & raquo ;.

