There are footage of the Cadillac driver who arranged the shooting in the center of Moscow

Mash published a photo of the Cadillac driver who started the shooting in the center of Moscow the center of Moscow. This was reported by the Telegram channel Mash. As reported earlier in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the man is currently detained. “The attacker was detained at the scene of the incident, the victim received medical assistance,” the police said in a statement.

Parasites in Belarus were counted according to the winter

Since December, the database of parasites has been updated in Belarus By the winter in Belarus, they again counted all parasites – citizens who are not employed in the country's economy. Newly included in the updated database in December will face higher bills for housing and communal services. The information is transmitted by the Telegram channel Belarus Now. Parasites in Belarus were singled out as a separate group of the population in 2015. In fact, this is how the unemployed were called in the country, while there is practically no official unemployment in Belarus – the majority of citizens do not register because of the obligatory “socially useful” work. Related materials 00:01 – April 2 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/42f03d7c1110cddc573364c447f435e2.jpg" /> Soviet approach Product cards helped people in the USSR survive. Can they be introduced in Russia and is it necessary? 00:03 – March 23 Clan economyRussia is looking for

Taliban leader bans forced marriage of Afghan women

Taliban leader Akhundzad ordered to take measures to ensure women's rights in Afghanistan Leader of the radical Taliban movement (banned in Russia terrorist organization) Khaybatullah Akhundzada ordered to take measures to ensure the rights of women in Afghanistan. His words were conveyed in a statement published by the press secretary of the Zabiullah Mujahid movement, RIA Novosti reports. The Taliban leader called the woman a noble and free man and stressed that she was not a property. “No one can give it to anyone else in exchange for concluding a peace agreement or ending the enmity,” he said. The representative of the militants demanded that theologians point out that the oppression of women would cause the wrath of Allah. In Akhundzad's decree, he forbade the forced marriage of Afghan women and secured them the right to determine their future. He also gave widows the right to inherit shares of property

Who opened fire in the center of Moscow detained

Police detained a man who opened fire after a road conflict in central Moscow Police detained a man who shot an opponent at an opponent after a road conflict in central Moscow. This is reported by RIA Novosti. As the agency's source clarified, this is a Cadillac driver. He opened fire after a taxi driver did not give way. According to preliminary data, the man fired from a traumatic weapon. The incident took place on December 3 on Second Brestskaya Street. The wounded driver was hospitalized. The Intercept plan has been announced in the city.

Russians who arrived from South Africa were put in quarantine for two weeks

The Russians who arrived on December 3 from South Africa were put into quarantine for two weeks at the observatory Domestic tourists who arrived from South Africa on Friday, December 3, was put in quarantine for two weeks. RIA Novosti writes about this. It is noted that 25 Russians returned home on a charter flight ordered for one of the fitness companies organizing a sports camp for their clients in South Africa. According to the director of the company, Andrei Krylov, all passengers were isolated at the observatory. One of the travelers said that everyone, without exception, was quarantined, although the arrivals had preliminary negative PCR tests, there are also those vaccinated by Sputnik among vacationers. V “. Earlier in November, Russian holidaymakers stuck in the republic due to the closure of borders amid the discovery of a new strain of COVID-19, were offered to be evacuated from the country

Parasites in Belarus were counted according to the winter

Since December, the database of parasites has been updated in Belarus By winter in Belarus, they again counted all parasites – citizens not employed in the country's economy. Newly included in the updated database in December will face higher bills for housing and communal services. The information is transmitted by the Telegram channel Belarus Now. Parasites in Belarus were singled out as a separate group of the population in 2015. In fact, this is how the unemployed were called in the country, while there is practically no official unemployment in Belarus – most citizens do not register because of the obligatory “socially useful” work. Related materials 00:01 – April 2 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/ef53eac7664891e13512badbeb0f87b2.jpg" /> Soviet approach Food cards helped people in the USSR survive. Can they be introduced in Russia and is it necessary? 00: 03 – March 23 Clan economyRussia is looking for a new way of

Who opened fire in the center of Moscow detained

Police detained a man who opened fire after a road conflict in downtown Moscow This is reported by RIA Novosti. As the agency's source clarified, this is a Cadillac driver. He opened fire after a taxi driver did not give way. According to preliminary data, the man fired from a traumatic weapon. The incident took place on December 3 on Second Brestskaya Street. The victim was hospitalized. The Intercept plan has been announced in the city.

Russians who arrived from South Africa were put in quarantine for two weeks

The Russians who arrived from South Africa on December 3 were put into a two-week quarantine at the observatory Domestic tourists who arrived from South Africa on Friday, December 3, was put in quarantine for two weeks. RIA Novosti writes about this. It is noted that 25 Russians returned home on a charter flight ordered for one of the fitness companies organizing a sports camp for their clients in South Africa. According to the director of the company, Andrei Krylov, all passengers were isolated at the observatory. One of the travelers said that everyone, without exception, was quarantined, although the arrivals had preliminary negative PCR tests, there are also those vaccinated by Sputnik among vacationers. V “. Earlier in November, Russian holidaymakers stuck in the republic due to the closure of borders amid the discovery of a new strain of COVID-19, were offered to be evacuated from the country in

Taliban issue decree on women's rights

This decree was signed by the Taliban Supreme Leader Haybatulla Akhundzada. From the & nbsp; document it follows that & nbsp; a woman cannot be forced to & nbsp; marriage, she can not & nbsp; be “ the subject of a truce or an end to hostility ''; between men. In the & nbsp; case of the death of her husband, the widow has the right to inherit part of his property, can independently determine her future fate & nbsp; and, in & nbsp; in particular, remarry. Earlier, Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; formed government there will be posts for & nbsp; women with & nbsp; Sharia law. Taliban captured Afghanistan on August 15 & nbsp; created a provisional government in & nbsp; country and & nbsp; began to carry out reforms in & nbsp; country. In & nbsp; in particular, in & nbsp; the