Putin instructed to develop a plan to combat the omicron strain

Putin instructed the government to develop a plan to combat the omicron strain of coronavirus strain of coronavirus. The corresponding document was drawn up following the results of the 13th Russia Calling! Investment Forum, which took place from November 30 to December 1, and was published on the Kremlin's official website. The deadline for the order is December 7. Chairman of the government Mikhail Mishustin was appointed responsible. The strain under the code B.1.1.529, which was named omicron, was identified in South Africa on November 11. The country's health minister said that it is easily tolerated by vaccinated patients, however, according to available data, it can bypass the immunity of those who have recovered from other variants of the virus. At the moment, the omicron strain has appeared in more than 20 countries around the world. On December 3, it became known that an Australian resident was infected with it,

Russia has prepared a project on the remote assignment of pensions

The Ministry of Labor of Russia has prepared a draft on the remote assignment of pension payments “. You may be allowed to apply to the Pension Fund electronically. A lump sum payment is made by the Pension Fund or non-state pension funds, depending on where the citizen's savings were formed. You can apply at any time after reaching the age of 55 and 60. Earlier Olga Daineko, an expert at the Financial Literacy Center of the NFI of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, said that a good income in old age is possible if you plan and form savings from 35-40 years.

Putin instructed to develop a plan to combat the omicron strain

Putin instructed the government to develop a plan to combat the omicron strain of coronavirus strain of coronavirus. The corresponding document was drawn up following the results of the 13th Russia Calling! Investment Forum, which took place from November 30 to December 1, and was published on the Kremlin's official website. The deadline for the order is December 7. Chairman of the government Mikhail Mishustin was appointed responsible. The strain under the code B.1.1.529, which was named omicron, was identified in South Africa on November 11. The country's health minister said that it is easily tolerated by vaccinated patients, however, according to available data, it can bypass the immunity of those who have recovered from other variants of the virus. At the moment, the omicron strain has appeared in more than 20 countries around the world. On December 3, it became known that an Australian resident was infected with it,

The Russians were told about the effect of an excess of vitamins on oncology

Nutritionist Solomatina: excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to oncology An excess of vitamins in the body can lead to negative consequences. Nutritionist Elena Solomatina told about the effect of an overdose of vitamins on a person, her words are quoted by Vechernyaya Moskva. According to her, excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to oncology. “It is an antioxidant and protects against oncology, but its overdose can, on the contrary, lead to oncology. In fact, in general, this applies to any vitamins, because one way or another, everyone can harm in their own way, “the specialist explained. The expert noted that an overdose of vitamin C can lead to allergic reactions, and in the case of constant intake – to the possibility of the formation of kidney stones. In the modern world, an overabundance of vitamins in the body is more frequent than their lack, Solomatina said. She

Russian virologist assessed information on mortality from the omicron strain

Virologist Altstein: conclusions about the absence of deaths from the omicron strain are not final identified in South Africa. This is how the chief researcher of the Gamaleya Research Center Anatoly Altstein assessed the statement of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the absence of deaths from the new variant of COVID-19, his words are quoted by News.ru. The Russian virologist is sure that WHO's opinion is still cannot be called final, since the conclusions were made based on information about the infection of only a few hundred people. “South African experts suspect that there is a supposedly new epidemic with this virus, but there is no clear evidence of this. There really began an upturn in November, there are deaths, but there is no evidence that the omicron is to blame, “Altstein said. Experts cannot yet assess the possibilities of the new strain of coronavirus, since it is not

Russian virologist assessed information on mortality from the omicron strain

Virologist Altstein: conclusions about the absence of deaths from the omicron strain are not final identified in South Africa. This is how the chief researcher of the Gamaleya Research Center Anatoly Altstein assessed the statement of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the absence of deaths from the new variant of COVID-19, his words are quoted by News.ru. The Russian virologist is sure that WHO's opinion is still cannot be called final, since the conclusions were made based on information about the infection of only a few hundred people. “South African experts suspect that there is a supposedly new epidemic with this virus, but there is no clear evidence of this. There really began an upturn in November, there are deaths, but there is no evidence that the omicron is to blame, “Altstein said. Experts cannot yet assess the possibilities of the new strain of coronavirus, since it is not

The Russians were told about the effect of an excess of vitamins on oncology

Nutritionist Solomatina: excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to oncology An excess of vitamins in the body can lead to negative consequences. Nutritionist Elena Solomatina told about the effect of an overdose of vitamins on a person, her words are quoted by Vechernyaya Moskva. According to her, excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to oncology. “It is an antioxidant and protects against oncology, but its overdose can, on the contrary, lead to oncology. In fact, in general, this applies to any vitamins, because one way or another, everyone can harm in their own way, “the specialist explained. The expert noted that an overdose of vitamin C can lead to allergic reactions, and in the case of constant intake – to the possibility of the formation of kidney stones. In the modern world, an overabundance of vitamins in the body is more frequent than their lack, Solomatina said. She

The doctor told about the symptoms of a mild form of COVID-19 in vaccinated

Doctor Yartseva: the symptoms of the vaccinated Russians infected with COVID-19 are similar to those of the unvaccinated ru “about the symptoms vaccinated people face with mild COVID-19. ” The symptoms of the vaccinated are the same as those of the unvaccinated – a runny nose, cough, weakness, sore throat, maybe low temperature, and maybe everything is clearly expressed, “the doctor said. Earlier, endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova called one of the main symptoms of infection with the new omicron strain COVID-19 – it is severe fatigue. And the therapist Alexey Khukhrev said that when infected with any strain of coronavirus, two main symptoms can appear – headaches and prolonged fever.

Lukashenka spoke about unprecedented pressure

Lukashenko: the economy of Belarus is under unprecedented pressure The Belarusian economy has come under pressure from outside of unprecedented scale and depth. This was stated by the President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA writes. He noted that aggressive rhetoric persists, it is necessary to conduct a “thorough analysis of the measures taken.” The President also said that the country has managed to maintain economic growth. Lukashenko added that Belarus pays impeccably on the state debt and has no right to lose this reputation. The country's budget for 2022 is formed with a deficit. He also wondered if everyone “is saving and straining to reduce unnecessary expenses, which we have a lot of.” According to the president, the main task for the next year is to increase exports and gain a foothold in world markets. “As long as there is an opportunity to sell and gain a foothold in