Жилье из фильма «Один дома» сдадут в аренду за 25 долларов

Home Alone house is on Airbnb for overnight holiday stays https://t.co/YjlLL6Ysm4 via ⁦@USATODAY⁩ — Gerald R. Businaro, RPh (@grbusinaro) December 3, 2021 Знаменитый дом в Чикаго, в котором проводились съемки фильма «Один дома», готов принять постояльцев всего за 25 долларов за ночь. Объявление об этом уже появилось на сайтах аренды жилья, сообщает Fox News. Правда, сдавать дом будут не на постоянной основе, а только один раз — в честь приближающегося Рождества. В распоряжении постояльцев окажется праздничная зона с елкой и тысячами мерцающих огоньков, масса ловушек для преступников (к счастью, постояльцы будут их расставлять, а не попадаться в них), фастфуд 90-х, в том числе чикагская пицца и макароны с сыром из микроволновки, а также другие незабываемые атрибуты праздника из популярного фильма. Хозяева здания обещают перевести все заработанные средства местной больнице для тяжелобольных детей. Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о людях

Verkhovna Rada deputies offered to give Zelensky diapers and a synthesizer

Deputies of the Rada voted for the provision of a synthesizer and diapers to President Zelensky Strana.ua “. A representative of the European Solidarity faction Aleksey Goncharenko made a proposal to provide the president with a synthesizer, apparently alluding to the studio number Kvartal 95, during which Zelensky depicted playing the piano with his genitals. Eight parliamentarians voted for the initiative. Non-factional deputy Geo Leros put forward the idea of ​​providing Zelensky with diapers in case of new coups d'état and moving him to the golden toilet in the former residence of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych Mezhyhirya (it was reported that in the residence was just such a toilet). Ten deputies voted for the first proposal, two for the second. In November, Leros, speaking from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada, called Zelensky the main traitor in the country and showed him the middle finger. After that, the State Bureau of

The reason for the rise in prices for new buildings in the Moscow region is named

CIAN: new buildings in Podolsk and Nakhabino have risen most of all after the opening of the MCD (MCD), writes RBC. The largest price increases were recorded in Podolsk, Nakhabino and Krasnogorsk. When the MCD station opened in Podolsk in November 2019, the average price per square meter of primary housing was 61.6 thousand rubles. By the end of November 2021, its cost increased by 117.4 percent – up to 133.9 thousand rubles. In Nakhabino for two years the growth was 109.4 percent, from 76.4 thousand to 160 thousand rubles. In Krasnogorsk, housing prices increased by 75.8 percent: from 113.6 thousand to 199.7 thousand rubles. Dolgoprudny also entered the top 5 with an increase of 65.1 percent to 171.9 thousand rubles and Odintsovo , where the “square” cost 59 percent more – 173.4 thousand rubles. According to the head of CIAN. Analysts “Alexey Popov, housing in settlements where MCD stations

Verkhovna Rada deputies offered to give Zelensky diapers and a synthesizer

Deputies of the Rada voted for the provision of a synthesizer and diapers to President Zelensky Strana.ua “. A representative of the European Solidarity faction Aleksey Goncharenko made a proposal to provide the president with a synthesizer, apparently alluding to the studio number Kvartal 95, during which Zelensky depicted playing the piano with his genitals. Eight parliamentarians voted for the initiative. Non-factional deputy Geo Leros put forward the idea of ​​providing Zelensky with diapers in case of new coups d'état and moving him to the golden toilet in the former residence of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych Mezhyhirya (it was reported that in the residence was just such a toilet). Ten deputies voted for the first proposal, two for the second. In November, Leros, speaking from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada, called Zelensky the main traitor in the country and showed him the middle finger. After that, the State Bureau of

The reason for the rise in prices for new buildings in the Moscow region is named

CIAN: new buildings in Podolsk and Nakhabino have risen most of all after the opening of the MCD (MCD), writes RBC. The largest price increases were recorded in Podolsk, Nakhabino and Krasnogorsk. When the MCD station opened in Podolsk in November 2019, the average price per square meter of primary housing was 61.6 thousand rubles. By the end of November 2021, its cost increased by 117.4 percent – up to 133.9 thousand rubles. In Nakhabino for two years the growth was 109.4 percent, from 76.4 thousand to 160 thousand rubles. In Krasnogorsk, housing prices increased by 75.8 percent: from 113.6 thousand to 199.7 thousand rubles. Dolgoprudny also entered the top 5 with an increase of 65.1 percent to 171.9 thousand rubles and Odintsovo , where the “square” cost 59 percent more – 173.4 thousand rubles. According to the head of CIAN. Analysts “Alexey Popov, housing in settlements where MCD stations

Russian Cybathletics Championship will be held in Moscow

The role of innovation in everyday life will be discussed at the Russian cybathletics championship in Moscow The Russian cybathletics championship will be held in Moscow – a competition among people with disabilities who use assistive technologies. Qualifying starts will be held on December 6, and the semifinals and finals on December 7. Participants will speed up the tracks using bionic prosthetic arms and legs, exoskeletons, electric wheelchairs and neurointerfaces in which a computer performs part of the brain's functions … Most of the developments used were created by companies from Moscow. Participants will compete in several categories, each of which has a separate track with obstacles. “The development of innovative technologies fundamentally changes the lives of people with disabilities. Some of them test the latest developments on themselves so that in the future they will become available to everyone who needs them. The Russian Cybathletics Championship is one of

Russians will be taught to save

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to work out incentives for saving Russian authorities will work out incentives to teach citizens to save. This is reported by RIA Novosti. On behalf of President Vladimir Putin, the government and the Central Bank will have to develop tools and incentives for citizens' savings, as well as work out the issue of introducing a tax deduction for investments in Russian securities. < p> “To amend the legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure the creation of financial instruments aimed at the formation of long-term savings of individuals, providing for mechanisms to stimulate and encourage such savings,” says the list of instructions of the head of state. Previously, Putin instructed the government to insure the investments of Russians as deposits. The head of state emphasized that the securities of Russian companies should not only be a reliable source of funding, but also work directly for

Poland shares intelligence on migration flows from Afghanistan

In Poland, hundreds of thousands of migrants from Afghanistan are expected to appear at the border organized by Minsk and criminal groups. The spokesman for the Polish government, Piotr Müller, shared the data of Polish diplomats and intelligence on migration risks, TASS reports. Related materials 00:01 – November 3 Ours is a stranger. Europe has accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and wanted to be kicked out? 00:01 – November 18 “They would rather die in Europe than return home” How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus “This is a risk that may appear in the coming weeks, in the coming months and on a large scale. We are talking about the risk of migration, reaching hundreds of thousands of people and even more, “- said the Polish representative. According to Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Marcin Przydach, migration flows from

Airplane with icy engines makes an emergency landing in Irkutsk

112: flight S7 Magadan – Novosibirsk urgently landed in Irkutsk after losing altitude were forced to make an emergency landing in Irkutsk, Telegram channel 112 reports. This happened the day before, on December 2. According to the channel, soon after takeoff, the autopilot suddenly turned off, and a second later turned back on. The aircraft switched to direct control mode, without the participation of the autopilot. Then the engine iced signal was received and the aircraft began to chatter from side to side. The channel reports that the vessel lost 2,700 meters of altitude in 10 seconds. Nevertheless, the pilots managed to make an emergency landing in Irkutsk. It is noted that the anti-icing agents used to treat the aircraft are now being checked. The actions of the crew will also be assessed. In November, it was reported that the Yak-40 aircraft of the Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise, en route to

Russians will be taught to save

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to work out incentives for savings Russian authorities will work out incentives to teach citizens to save. This is reported by RIA Novosti. On behalf of President Vladimir Putin, the government and the Central Bank will have to develop tools and incentives for citizens' savings, as well as work out the issue of introducing a tax deduction for investments in Russian securities. < p> “To amend the legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure the creation of financial instruments aimed at the formation of long-term savings of individuals, providing for mechanisms to stimulate and encourage such savings,” says the list of instructions of the head of state. Previously, Putin instructed the government to insure the investments of Russians as deposits. The head of state emphasized that the securities of Russian companies should not only be a reliable source of funding, but also work directly for