Lavrov accused the United States of whipping up military hysteria near Russian borders

“That & nbsp; The United States has surrounded us with & nbsp; all sides with its military bases, & nbsp; & mdash; This is probably & nbsp; already facts that any schoolchildren know, and & nbsp; nevertheless & nbsp; this hysteria is constantly being whipped up (at & nbsp; the borders of Russia. & mdash; & nbsp; Approx.ed.) & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the minister, speaking before & nbsp; participants in the annual scientific and educational program of the A. M. Gorchakov Foundation for the Support of Public Diplomacy “ Dialogue in & nbsp; the name of the future. ''

Kiev and & nbsp; Western states in & nbsp; have recently expressed concern ; contraction & raquo; Russian forces to the & nbsp; border with & nbsp; Ukraine. As the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov pointed out, Moscow is moving troops within & nbsp; the limits of its territory and & nbsp; at & nbsp; its discretion & nbsp; & mdash; it does not & nbsp; threaten anyone and & nbsp; no one & nbsp; should worry. With this & nbsp; any country whose borders have an unstable region will take the necessary measures for & nbsp; its own security.

The US and & nbsp; their & nbsp; NATO allies in & nbsp; have recently significantly increased their military activity in the & nbsp; Black sea. As stated in the & nbsp; Ministry of Defense, the States are trying to create a grouping of troops near & nbsp; Russian borders, and & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; goals of Washington & nbsp; & mdash; military development of Ukraine. The US is studying the situation in the & nbsp; case of a military solution to the conflict in the & nbsp; Donbass, according to the & nbsp; ministry.

