Hurricane knocks down towers and flips cars in Istanbul

In Istanbul, a hurricane knocks down towers and overturns cars

The hurricane paralyzed the life of the Turkish capital. CNN Turk reports about this on November 29 & nbsp;

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Fırtınadan Çatalca Serbest
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& mdash; ????????? (@UAyhkp) November 29, 2021

In & nbsp; many districts of Istanbul, due to & nbsp; strong winds blew off roofs. He also knocked down the & nbsp; clock tower.

The hurricane was so strong that the cars were & nbsp; overturned.

?? ‍♀️ # İstanbul # Fırtına

& mdash; Buket Ürgenli (@buketurg) November 29, 2021

As a result of the disaster, 2 people died and & nbsp; 9 were injured.

Due to & nbsp; strong winds, the movement of ships along the & nbsp; Bosphorus was suspended.

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