Psychologist explained the shortcomings of the calorie counting method

Psychologist Ushkova: calorie counting is too time-consuming method, it leads to breakdowns and overeating calorie counting method. According to her, first of all, this method has not been updated for a long time in terms of new studies on the nutritional properties of food and the ability to be absorbed in the body, writes MedikForum.

The specialist pointed out that the method also does not take into account how much food satisfies needs and desires person. She recalled that enjoying it plays an important role in combating depression and overeating.

“People are counting calories for a reason, but to limit their diet. Dietary restrictions, in turn, provoke constant thoughts about food and bouts of overeating. When a person inevitably exceeds his calorie norm, he thinks: “Oh, the barn is burnt out – burn and hut! I'll go eat the cake!” a lot of time by the process, it does not give an opportunity to hear your body, so it is better to refuse such a method.

Earlier, nutritionist Elena Solomatina spoke about the dangers of eating white bread every day. When bread contains white flour, water and yeast, she says, it becomes “essentially sugar.” She warned that this could lead to insulin resistance, diabetes and very dramatic weight gain.



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