A picket was held in Yekaterinburg against the introduction of QR codes in public transport … This was reported by RIA Novosti. The picket participants oppose the introduction of QR codes on vaccinations for using public transport. The action gathered about 100 people. It was organized by a public organization of parents. The event passed calmly. Earlier, the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Pavel Krekov said that the region is working on the introduction of QR codes in public transport. He explained that the authorities of the Russian region will study the experience of Tatarstan, which was the first in Russia to introduce digital documents for access to transport. For this, a special working group will be sent to the republic, consisting of employees of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport.
Day: November 28, 2021
An agreed picket against QR codes was held in Yekaterinburg
A picket was held in Yekaterinburg against the introduction of QR codes in public transport … This was reported by RIA Novosti. The picket participants oppose the introduction of QR codes on vaccinations for using public transport. The action gathered about 100 people. It was organized by a public organization of parents. The event passed calmly. Earlier, the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Pavel Krekov said that the region is working on the introduction of QR codes in public transport. He explained that the authorities of the Russian region will study the experience of Tatarstan, which was the first in Russia to introduce digital documents for access to transport. For this, a special working group will be sent to the republic, consisting of employees of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport.
Russian skiers took the entire podium at the World Cup
Russian skier Alexander Bolshunov won gold at the World Cup Finnish Hand. This was reported by the correspondent of “Lenta.ru” Alexander Bolshunov won the gold. He managed to cover the distance of 15 kilometers in 35 minutes 23.7 seconds. Second place went to Sergei Ustyugov. He was 0.5 seconds behind the leader. Artem Maltsev closed the top three. His gap was 0.7 seconds. On November 27, Bolshunov won the bronze medal in the 15 km individual race in the classic style. He lost to Finn Iivo Niskanen and compatriot Alexei Chervotkin. The gap between Bolshunov and the leader was 14.1 seconds. On November 25, Bolshunov was eliminated in the sprint quarterfinals. After the failure, he refused to communicate with the press. The World Cup in Ruka will end on Sunday 28 November.
Gradsky's colleagues talked about the musician's arrival to record “The Voice” on a stretcher
A source from Starhit: Gradsky was sometimes given droppers right in the studio of the Voice show Colleagues of People's Artist of Russia, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky, who died on November 28, told about the last days of the musician. According to a Starhit source from the set, Gradsky continued to work in the Voice show, despite feeling unwell. The source said that during the recording of the latest programs of the show, the singer came on a mobile stretcher, accompanied by doctors. p> “Then they were transplanted into a red chair, filmed the release, put it back on a stretcher, and sometimes they started to put IVs right in the studio,” he explained and added that Gradsky, in addition to his poor physical condition and painful appearance, had problems with a speech. At the same time, a colleague of the musician noted that the artist never gave himself
Russian skiers took the entire podium at the World Cup
Russian skier Alexander Bolshunov won gold at the World Cup Finnish Hand. This was reported by the correspondent of “Lenta.ru” Alexander Bolshunov won the gold. He managed to cover the distance of 15 kilometers in 35 minutes 23.7 seconds. Second place went to Sergei Ustyugov. He was 0.5 seconds behind the leader. Artem Maltsev closed the top three. His gap was 0.7 seconds. On November 27, Bolshunov won the bronze medal in the 15 km individual race in the classic style. He lost to Finn Iivo Niskanen and compatriot Alexei Chervotkin. The gap between Bolshunov and the leader was 14.1 seconds. On November 25, Bolshunov was eliminated in the sprint quarterfinals. After the failure, he refused to communicate with the press. The World Cup in Ruka will end on Sunday 28 November.
Gradsky's colleagues talked about the musician's arrival to record “The Voice” on a stretcher
A source from Starhit: Gradsky was sometimes given droppers right in the studio of the Voice show Colleagues of People's Artist of Russia, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky, who died on November 28, told about the last days of the musician. According to a Starhit source from the set, Gradsky continued to work in the Voice show, despite feeling unwell. The source said that during the recording of the latest programs of the show, the singer came on a mobile stretcher, accompanied by doctors. p> “Then they were transplanted into a red chair, filmed the release, put it back on a stretcher, and sometimes they started to put IVs right in the studio,” he explained and added that Gradsky, in addition to his poor physical condition and painful appearance, had problems with a speech. At the same time, a colleague of the musician noted that the artist never gave himself
Роспотребнадзор: штамм «омикрон» пока не обнаружили в России
«По состоянию на воскресенье штамм “омикрон” в России не обнаружен. При этом ведется активная работа по секвенированию геномов коронавируса, в том числе от пациентов, посещавших зарубежные страны в последнее время», — сказал эксперт Роспотребнадзора (цитата по ТАСС). В центре «Вектор» также сообщили, что эффективность российских вакцин «Эпиваккорона» и «Эпиваккорона-Н» против нового штамма сравнима с эффективностью от дельта-штамма. Ранее гендиректор центра Ринат Максютов отмечал, что вакцины эффективны против индийской разновидности вируса. Владимир Круглый добавил, что действенным способом для борьбы с новым штаммом может стать приостановка авиасообщения с Египтом. Он не исключил, что «омикрон» может представлять угрозу даже для привитых. О симптомах омикрон-штамма коронавируса сегодня рассказала председатель Медицинской ассоциации ЮАР Анжелик Кутзе. Среди них — сильная усталость и головные боли, при этом повышенная температура и боли в горле фиксируются редко. Новый штамм впервые был выявлен в ЮАР, предполагается, что он заразнее всех существовавших до этого. Всемирная организация здравоохранения 26 ноября присвоила новому штамму коронавируса букву омикрон. Первые случаи заражения новым вариантом коронавируса зафиксированы в Германии, Италии, Чехии, Израиле, Великобритании, Австралии и других странах.
Названы симптомы омикрон-штамма коронавируса
По словам специалиста, подозрения о том, что патоген вновь мутировал, возникли из-за участившихся визитов пациентов с необычными проявлениями COVID-19. В частности, это были молодые люди, жаловавшиеся на сильное чувство усталости, а также шестилетний ребенок с учащенным пульсом и высокой температурой, которому, однако, уже спустя два дня стало значительно лучше. Ни у кого из заболевших при этом не было потери вкуса или обоняния. «Их симптомы были весьма отличны от тех, с которыми я сталкивалась раньше, и проявлялись в легкой форме», — сказала врач. Всего около двух десятков ее пациентов сдали положительный тест на COVID-19 с симптомами нового штамма: в основном — здоровые мужчины, чувствовавшие сильную усталость. Около половины из них при этом не были вакцинированы. Омикрон-штамм SARS-CoV-2 Несколько дней назад ученые сообщили о появлении в Ботсване и ЮАР штамма коронавируса B.1.1.529, который содержит 32 мутации в S-белке, необходимом патогену для заражения клеток. По мнению исследователей, многие из новых изменений в геноме SARS-CoV-2 указывают на высокую трансмиссивность этого варианта и устойчивость к защитным антителам переболевших и привитых, хотя окончательные выводы делать пока рано. Специалисты предполагают, что B.1.1.529 изначально развился в организме человека с ослабленным иммунитетом — вероятно, больного СПИД или ВИЧ. Как пишут зарубежные СМИ, в ЮАР зарегистрировали около ста зараженных. Несколько заболевших