Trade unions appreciated the idea of ​​the Ministry of Labor to change the system of registration of the poor

Deputy Head of the FNPR Kuzmin on the idea of ​​the Ministry of Labor to change the accounting system of the poor: like snow on the head … As the Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) Nina Kuzmina told RIA Novosti, there are questions about the appointment of a new indicator.

According to the Deputy Head of the FNPR, questions arise with who should be considered a group of people whose incomes will be higher the poverty line, however, is below the subsistence level.

“We didn’t support it. First, it fell on us like snow on our head. That is, at the development stage, the social partners were not involved in the discussion by the Ministry of Labor. Secondly, we did not understand why this new indicator is needed, “Kuzmina said.

Earlier, the Ministry of Labor prepared a draft resolution, according to which it is proposed to introduce an additional tool for assessing the poverty line in the country, which will take into account the level general inflation, rather than a change in a narrow “minimum” set of consumption. As a definition of the poverty line, the department proposes to use the value of the subsistence minimum for the fourth quarter of 2020 and revise it on a quarterly basis, taking into account the consumer price chain index for the corresponding quarter.



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