Singer Glucose offered to equip smoking rooms in schools

Glucose, in a conversation with Dzharakhov, suggested equipping smoking areas in schools for kids. She spoke about this in an interview on the Youtube channel of blogger Eldar Dzharakhov. Employees of Komsomolskaya Pravda drew attention to him.

The singer shared that her daughter was kicked out of school precisely for smoking and noted that she understands the inconveniences the child faces at school. According to Glucose, teachers do not provide children with any alternatives.

“Lida and the company were caught smoking. I was summoned to the director. I understand that Lida is a little unable to cope with this freedom. But on the other hand: where are the children to smoke? They are traveling in a car with their parents – they cannot be there. They don't let me out of school. Well, make a place for children to smoke! She was kicked out because of this. And from the whole company she always gets it, as she is the brightest and the most exciting, “the singer emphasized.

In September, the Russian singer Glukoza said that as a teenager she was sent to the Butyrskaya Prison pre-trial detention center due to drugs … The pop star admitted that at the age of 15 she dated a young man who was involved in the sale of illegal substances. Also, according to Ionova, at that time many people from her environment were using hard drugs.



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