Match TV: Russia will not appeal the result of Dina Averina at the Olympic Games due to the regulations The Russian side refused to challenge Judgment (CAS) results of the individual all-around in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2021 Olympics. This was reported by Match TV, citing a source. The reason was a legal error. It is noted that for the proceedings it was necessary to comply with the temporary rules for filing a claim, but Russia did not have time to collect the documents in time. At the Tokyo Olympics, Russian woman Dina Averina missed the victory in the individual all-around. She was preceded by an Israeli Lina Ashram, who dropped an object during her speech. The failure of the Russian gymnast provoked talk of biased refereeing at the tournament. President of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation Irina Viner-Usmanova called refereeing at the Games a complete collapse and shame. It
Day: November 27, 2021
Russians were taught to recognize an illegally issued loan
Ponomarev's lawyer: you can learn about an illegal loan from unexpected calls You can recognize an illegal loan due to unexpected calls and financial messages organizations. Lawyer Anna Ponomareva spoke about this in a conversation with the radio station “Moscow Talking” demanding a refund. In such cases, microfinance organizations will also report that the loan was overdue. According to the lawyer, there are nine bureaus in the register that contain information about issued loans. “In your personal account on the State Services website, you can get a list of all bureaus for free, which contains information about your credit history. It is recommended to periodically check your credit history in order to prevent unpleasant financial consequences in a timely manner, “Ponomareva taught the Russians. The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), they can get on the twin sites of the department. In such cases, you need to pay attention
Russians were taught to recognize an illegally issued loan
Ponomarev's lawyer: you can learn about an illegal loan from unexpected calls organizations. Lawyer Anna Ponomareva spoke about this in a conversation with the radio station “Moscow Talking” demanding a refund. In such cases, microfinance organizations will also report that the loan was overdue. According to the lawyer, there are nine bureaus in the register that contain information about issued loans. “In your personal account on the State Services website, you can get a list of all bureaus for free, which contains information about your credit history. It is recommended to periodically check your credit history in order to prevent unpleasant financial consequences in a timely manner, “Ponomareva taught the Russians. The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), they can get on the twin sites of the department. In such cases, you need to pay attention to the domain name of the site.
В Перу нашли связанную веревками 800-летнюю мумию
#Archaeologists Find 800-Year Old Mummy in #Peru — MTV Lebanon News (@MTVLebanonNews) November 27, 2021 Археологи в Перу обнаружили древнюю мумию, которой не менее 8 сотен лет. Находка была сделана в подземной гробнице на окраине города Лима, сообщает Reuters. Более точный возраст захоронения можно будет узнать после радиоуглеродного датирования. Мумифицированные останки принадлежали человеку, который жил в высокогорных районах Анд. Главной особенностью мумии является то, что все тело перед погребением связали веревками. Умерший был похоронен в позе эмбриона и прикрывал лицо руками. Такая поза — часть местного похоронного ритуала, рассказал археолог Питер Ван Дален Луна из Государственного университета Сан-Маркос. В гробнице также были найдены ритуальные подношения, в том числе керамика, остатки овощей и каменные орудия труда. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного об археологии
A miner from the Listvyazhnaya mine accidentally missed his shift on the day of the emergency
A miner from the Listvyazhnaya mine who was late for his shift helped save several people shifts on the day of the explosion and helped save several comrades. The miner's story is published by the SHOT Telegram channel. Related materials 00:05 – 26 November “The director will get rid of, he has a lot of money »Former miner of the Listvyazhnaya mine on what led to the death of 52 people 15:26 – 26 November “People were declared dead in advance” The tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine is not the first. Why do hundreds of miners die in Kuzbass? According to Bulbis, he took overalls from the wash, so he came to the second watch. As the miner was about to descend into the mine, the crew heard a pop, and black smoke poured from the entrance. “[From the mine] the first man came out all covered in mud, dust,
A miner from the Listvyazhnaya mine accidentally missed his shift on the day of the emergency
A miner from the Listvyazhnaya mine who was late for his shift helped save several people shifts on the day of the explosion and helped save several comrades. The miner's story is published by the SHOT Telegram channel. Related materials 00:05 – 26 November »Former miner of the Listvyazhnaya mine on what led to the death of 52 people 15:26 – 26 November “People were declared dead in advance” The tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine is not the first. Why do hundreds of miners die in Kuzbass? According to Bulbis, he took overalls from the wash, so he came to the second watch. As the miner was about to descend into the mine, the crew heard a pop, and black smoke poured from the entrance. “[From the mine] the first man came out all covered in mud, dust, breathing every other time. Came out and fell. He said there were
Орфографическая комиссия РАН раскритиковала новые правила русского языка
Члены Орфографической комиссии РАН опубликовали в соцсетях открытое письмо к Минпросвещения РФ с требованием «отозвать» проект новых правил русской орфографии, ранее опубликованный ведомством (на появление письма первым обратило внимание издание Авторы обращения приходят к выводу, что базой для проекта правил стал академический справочник «Правила русской орфографии и пунктуации». Справочник был подготовлен в 2006 году Институтом русского языка РАН им. В. В. Виноградова и считается подписантами обращения «самым известным и авторитетным». Но его принципы при разработке проекта новых правил были «существенно искажены из-за механистических сокращений и необдуманных нововведений», сообщается в письме. Под обращением стоят подписи 22 из 34 членов комиссии. Проект правительственного постановления «Об утверждении правил русской орфографии» Минпросвещения РФ опубликовало на сайте 9 ноября 2021 года. К проекту постановления прилагался 131-страничный «свод орфографических правил» с десятками параграфов. К примеру, в параграфе о названии торговых марок предложено писать их с большой буквы, но «названия самих изделий» — со строчной (в пример приводятся «тойота», «вольво» и «панасоник»). При употреблении твердого и мягкого знаков как разделителей «ъ» предлагается использовать «при передаче иноязычных собственных имен и производных от них слов». В пример приводился город Кизилюрт и его новое написание «Кизилъюрт». Кроме того, проект правил
Rapper 50 Cent made fun of Madonna's nude photos
Rapper 50 Cent has published a candid snapshot of Madonna and called it “the funniest shit” He dedicated two posts to her on his Instagram account. The hip-hop artist published a candid snapshot of Madonna and called it “the funniest shit.” In the frame, you can see the performer's buttocks and legs sticking out from under the bed, she is wearing mesh tights and patent leather heels. “Yo, this is the funniest shit. Lol. This is Madonna under the bed, who is trying to pretend to be a virgin at 63 years old, “- wrote the rapper. Later, he also launched a challenge in which he invited subscribers to be photographed in the same position. Earlier, Madonna criticized Instagram's policy prohibiting the publication of photographs of naked female nipples, and again posted pictures in revealing images. Initially, the 63-year-old celebrity shared footage in which she accidentally exposed her breasts while
Conditions for deprivation of inheritance
Lawyers: the right to inherit can be forfeited for forging a will The court may declare a citizen unworthy of receiving an inheritance if he attempts to forge a will. The conditions under which the relatives of the deceased can be deprived of the opportunity to receive property, RIA Novosti was named by lawyers. According to experts, only a court can deprive a citizen of inherited property, based on evidence from other persons entitled to inheritance. Forging a will is considered one of the most common conditions under which relatives are deprived of the right of ownership. For such an act, criminal prosecution may also threaten with imprisonment for up to two years. The list of conditions for deprivation of inheritance includes the conclusion of a fictitious marriage, which must be proved, and pressure on the testator or his relatives in order to obtain part property or increase your share
Rapper 50 Cent made fun of Madonna's nude photos
Rapper 50 Cent published a candid snapshot of Madonna and called it “the funniest shit” American rapper 50 Cent made fun of Madonna's naked photos. He dedicated two posts to her on his Instagram account. The hip-hop artist published a candid snapshot of Madonna and called it “the funniest shit.” In the frame, you can see the performer's buttocks and legs sticking out from under the bed, she is wearing mesh tights and patent leather heels. “Yo, this is the funniest shit. Lol. This is Madonna under the bed, who is trying to pretend to be a virgin at 63 years old, “- wrote the rapper. Later, he also launched a challenge in which he invited subscribers to be photographed in the same position. Earlier, Madonna criticized Instagram's policy prohibiting the publication of photographs of naked female nipples, and again posted pictures in revealing images. Initially, the 63-year-old celebrity shared