Katya Lel responded to the invitation of doctors to visit hospitals and morgues

Singer Katya Lel in response to a letter from doctors: I have never campaigned against vaccination

Russian pop singer Katya Lel, who is among other famous anti-vaccines were invited to visit the “red zone”, said that she had never campaigned against vaccination against coronavirus. The actress responded to the doctors' open letter on the Instagram page.

“Vaccination is voluntary, as our president said, and I absolutely agree with him. I have never campaigned or called on anyone to abandon this procedure, it should be a free choice of every person, “Lel wrote.

The singer called on Russians to unite in” love for each other “, to be kinder and more tolerant.

Earlier, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in the country invited famous anti-Axis on an “excursion” to hospitals where patients with COVID-19 lie. In addition to Katya Lel, among them were actress Maria Shukshina, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, TV presenter Oskar Kuchera, musician Konstantin Kinchev, singer and composer Yuri Loza, leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “Fair Russia” Gennady Zyuganov and Sergei Mironov, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy and political scientist Sergei Kurginyan.

The authors of the letter expressed the hope that after such an “excursion” the addressees will change their position on vaccination and “fewer people will die”.

