The drawing purchased by the man of 2.2 thousand rubles turned out to be the original of Durer that this is the work of the famous German artist Albrecht Durer, which can cost up to $ 50 million (3.7 billion rubles). This is reported by The Mirror.
The man, who wished to remain anonymous, in 2016 liked the unframed drawing with a beautiful image of mother and child on a yellowed canvas, exhibited at a sale of property of the family of the late architect Jean-Paul Carlian. He purchased the image for $ 30 (2.2 thousand rubles). Before that, the image was in the Carlian family and was passed down from generation to generation.
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The buyer did not suspect that the drawing would turn out to be the original work of Albrecht Durer, even though the image was signed by one of the most famous monograms in the world – “A. D. “.
Now experts are evaluating the drawing and have already agreed that it is the original. Collector Clifford Shorer said: “The moment I saw Dürer was incredible. This is either the greatest forgery that I have ever seen, or a masterpiece. ”
The authenticity of the work of art is confirmed by two distinctive features: the artist's monogram was executed with the same ink that was used for the drawing itself, and was made on paper with a watermark, which can be seen on more than 200 sheets used by the artist.
Albrecht Durer is a German artist who belongs to the Renaissance era. He gained a reputation and influence in Europe when he was around 20 years old for his high quality woodcuts. Dürer interacted with major Italian artists of his time, including Raphael, Giovanni Bellini, and Leonardo da Vinci. Since 1512, he was patronized by Emperor Maximilian I.
Earlier it was reported that the drawing, which a couple from England bought for a pittance and almost used as an oil pan when repairing a motorcycle, turned out to be an expensive work of the famous British artist Lucian Freud … The print will be put up for auction.