Decided to help Russian companies following the example of the United States

The Ministry of Economic Development and the Russian Academy of Foreign Trade have prepared studies for the development of export of services from Russia

Russian companies expecting to enter foreign markets with their services will be able to access marketing research in promising markets in the USA, China, Germany, India, Japan and other countries. The materials were prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia together with the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (VAVT), the department told

Now export can be hampered by a lack of information about the conditions and requirements of the foreign market, information about the main competitors and their advantages. The language barrier also becomes an obstacle. “Analysis of foreign markets will allow export-oriented companies to identify priority country and niche areas, adjust the export strategy of business processes and find their audience in foreign markets,” Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Vladimir Ilyichev explained the decision.

Russian companies have colossal potential for entering foreign markets, but business needs to be motivated and informed about its opportunities, said Antonina Levashenko, head of the Center for Responsible Business Conduct of the All-Russian Academy of Aviation Technologies. She pointed to the example of other countries, where they help their companies in a similar way. “In the OECD countries, which are leading in the export of services, such as the United States, Great Britain, Switzerland and others, it is widely practiced to prepare industry marketing research to support their exporters,” said Antonina Levashenko, head of the Center for Responsible Business Conduct of the IABT.

Research has already been carried out in six industries: IT, tourism, medical, educational and transport services, as well as the film and animation market. “One of the challenges faced by Russian exporters is the search for high-quality marketing research on foreign markets. This is often long and expensive, especially when it comes to small companies, including in the service sector, “said Veronika Nikishina, General Director of the Russian Export Center.

The study will be posted by the Ministry of Economics on its portal of foreign economic information, as well as materials will be available on the platform of the Russian Export Center “My Export”. Next year, the list of industries is planned to be expanded, materials will be prepared, in particular, for companies in the field of construction services, finance, marketing and advertising.

