The combat effectiveness of the Russian MiG-31 was tripled

RIA Novosti: modernization has tripled the effectiveness of the MiG-31 fighter-interceptors representatives of the Sokol aircraft plant in Nizhny Novgorod told Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko, RIA Novosti reports.

times increases the combat effectiveness of the aircraft, “the company said.

In September, The Military Watch magazine drew attention to the expanded arsenal of MiG-31BM and MiG-31BSM interceptors, including the new R-74M short-range air-class missile -air “, which makes the MiG-31 one of the most versatile aircraft.

The modernization carried out since 2007 involves, in particular, replacing well on-board equipment and a lamp, glider flaw detection, updating the wiring and rubber gaskets of the MiG-31.

