Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova: pressure on Russians in the US goes against the laws Russian Americans due to the termination of the work of the Coordinating Council of Organizations of Russian Compatriots (KSORS). Her commentary was published on the agency's website.
“Such pressure, including summons for“ interviews ”and interrogations at the FBI in combination with threats of criminal prosecution, defamation of KSORS activists as“ the hands of Moscow ”, has acquired an unprecedented scale over the past year “, – said Zakharova. She compared what is happening with the atmosphere of the “red danger” after 1917.
According to the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, such discrimination is contrary to American laws of the United States. She called on the administration of US President Joe Biden to stop persecuting Russians with American citizenship or residence permits “despite the propaganda prevailing in the US now.” The decision to close it was made due to the activities of the FBI in relation to KSORS. Throughout 2021, at least 300 Russians in the United States, from students to retirees, were subjected to FBI investigations, the council noted. The Russian Embassy in Washington has asked the US authorities to stop the persecution of the Russian diaspora.