Deputy Valery Rashkin was caught in illegal hunting, lying and immoral behavior

At the & nbsp; very beginning of his speech, Igor Krasnov noted that & nbsp; he & nbsp; “ forced '' apply to the & nbsp; State Duma with a & nbsp; submission on & nbsp; depriving Valery Rashkin of parliamentary immunity. The Prosecutor General said that & nbsp; October 28 & nbsp; Rashkin was in & nbsp; Saratov region on the & nbsp; territory of the Lebedka hunting farm, which & nbsp; did not have a quota for & nbsp; extraction of hunting resources. Being a hunter with & nbsp; more than & nbsp; twenty years of experience (is a member of the Saratov Regional Society of Hunters and & nbsp; Fishermen since & nbsp; 1999), Valery Rashkin, noted the head of the supervisory department, could not & nbsp; could not & nbsp; know the rules of hunting, in & nbsp & nbsp; ; production of animals and & nbsp; purchase of vouchers from & nbsp; hunting farm. “ But & nbsp; none of & nbsp; this was done & nbsp; was, & mdash; emphasized Krasnov. & mdash; Moreover, he “ (Rashkin. 23 hours in the & nbsp; forest in & nbsp; 4 & nbsp; km from & nbsp; the village of Lysye Gory, Saratov region, after tracking down a wild elk, fired a shot from & nbsp; his Browning carbine, killing the animal, & nbsp; and & nbsp; thus committed illegal hunting with & nbsp & nbsp; causing in the amount of 80 thousand rubles. & raquo ;.

The Prosecutor General omitted the details of the arrest of Valery Rashkin & & nbsp; his clumsy attempts to mislead law enforcement officers & nbsp; and & nbsp; and & nbsp; not & nbsp; only them, regarding the circumstances of the discovery in & nbsp; the trunk of his car of an animal the shame has become common knowledge. ”

Moreover, the Prosecutor General noted, Rashkin has twice publicly actually admitted his involvement in the incident,“ although he did not give up hope of avoiding responsibility. ”

“ I & nbsp; am extremely negative about & nbsp; such manifestations of insincerity, & nbsp; & mdash; emphasized Prosecutor General Krasnov. & mdash; Lies from the & nbsp; mouth of an official of this level undermine the authority of public authorities and & nbsp; therefore, it is unacceptable. Let her remain on the conscience of Valery Fedorovich. I & nbsp; believe that & nbsp; a man who has taken a weapon in his & nbsp; hands, and & nbsp; should continue to behave like a man. Take responsibility for & nbsp; all the consequences of your actions, do not & nbsp; try to mislead the public, cause pity, posing as a victim of circumstances. '' killed by someone & nbsp; moose, which was allowed to & nbsp; meat, so that it does not & nbsp; wasted. Then a version appeared that & nbsp; a communist comrade had to issue a license, but & nbsp; did not & nbsp; did it, but & nbsp; Rashkin, using a night sight, confused the elk with a boar and & nbsp; shot him.

At the same time, Rashkin's supporters talked about the provocation of the special services, obviously hinting that without their participation they simply could not track down and catch him on an illegal hunt in the godforsaken forest.

Meanwhile, according to the & nbsp; Prosecutor General's words, and & nbsp; without & nbsp; Valery Rashkin's confession, there is every reason for & nbsp; his criminal prosecution under & nbsp; h. 2 Art. & Nbsp; 258 of the Criminal Code (illegal hunting committed by a group of persons by & nbsp; prior agreement, with & nbsp; the use of a power-driven vehicle and & nbsp; causing major damage). Rashkin, the speaker noted, refused to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, began to give false explanations, hid the instruments of the crime (the carbine, along with the communist's hunting license, was hidden in the & nbsp; forest, where they were & nbsp; and & nbsp; found. & Mdash; “raquo;” , can have an impact on & nbsp; witnesses with whom & nbsp; personally know that & nbsp; must be taken into account when & nbsp; the possible election of him a measure of restraint.

In addition, Krasnov said, in & nbsp; in connection with & nbsp; the presence of signs of alcoholic intoxication at & nbsp; Rashkin, who drove a car after an illegal hunt (a part of the carcass of a killed animal was found in it), the State Traffic Inspectorate was called to the scene. “ Having fixed the sharp smell of alcohol and & nbsp; impaired speech emanating from & nbsp; he offered Rashkin to undergo a medical examination, & nbsp; & mdash; told the Attorney General. & mdash; In & nbsp; by virtue of the provisions of clause 2.3.2 of the SDA, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to undergo the specified examination at the & nbsp; requirement of authorized officials. However, Rashkin refused. '' at least “cynical and immoral.”

Moreover, in & nbsp; his actions show signs of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. & Nbsp; 12.26 of the Administrative Code (non-compliance by the driver of the vehicle with the requirement to & nbsp; undergo a medical examination for & nbsp; intoxication).

Rashkin: more than the murder of a moose was discussed only Kennedy assassination

In & nbsp; in connection with & nbsp; this the Prosecutor General asked the State Duma to agree to & nbsp; initiation of a criminal case against the & nbsp; Rashkin deputy on & nbsp; h. 2 Art. & Nbsp; 258 of the Criminal Code & nbsp; RF, conducting searches & nbsp; in & nbsp; occupied by him & nbsp; residential and & nbsp; non-residential premises, the application of a preventive measure in & nbsp; the form of prohibition of certain actions, and & nbsp; also bringing him to & nbsp; administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. & nbsp; 12.26 Administrative Code. the prosecution, the investigation will appeal to the & nbsp; Basmanny Court, which, in & nbsp; in accordance with the & nbsp; prosecutor's request to the & nbsp; Duma, will limit his movements at & nbsp; at night and & nbsp; will impose other prohibitions on him, in & nbsp; in particular on & nbsp; visiting mass events.

At the same time, materials will be sent to the & nbsp; court, according to & nbsp; which the people's choice can be fined by & nbsp; 30 thousand rubles. and & nbsp; lose the rights to & nbsp; a period from & nbsp; one and a half to & nbsp; two years.

Nikolay Sergeev

