The State Duma considered the open letter of doctors to anti-vaccination patients a cry from the heart

State Duma deputy Shkhagoshev: doctors who signed the open letter see that the vaccine helps to anti-vaccines with a cry from the heart. He emphasized in an interview with RIA Novosti that the doctors who signed the appeal face the coronavirus every day and see that the vaccine is helping.

“This is a certain line of great patience on the part of the doctors who sent an open letter today. After all, these are people who every day go to one-on-one battle with the virus … this is a cry from the heart, “said the parliamentarian.

Shkhagoshev added that the specialists, through whom thousands of seriously ill coronavirus patients have passed, they also see the crisis that may intensify in the near future. The deputy concluded that the State Duma is setting an example for compliance with infection control measures and has done everything that was possible as a preventive measure.

are patients with COVID-19, known anti-vaccines. These are the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “Fair Russia” Gennady Zyuganov and Sergei Mironov, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, political scientist Sergei Kurginyan, actress Maria Shukshina, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, TV presenter Oscar Kuchera, musician Konstantin Kinchev, singer and composer Yuri Loza.

The authors of the letter expressed the hope that after such a “tour” the addressees will change their position on vaccination and “fewer people will die.” One of the signatories, the chief physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 15, Valery Vechorko, expressed confidence that some anti-vaccines can change their minds and evaluate the role of vaccination.



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