A schoolboy poisoned 11 children in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine with a pipe cleaner “Mole” a criminal case was opened, RIA Novosti writes.
One of the students of a school in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine brought a tool for cleaning pipes “Krot” to the class and gave it to his peers to try. As a result, 11 people were poisoned, the children were diagnosed with mucosal burns and were urgently hospitalized. At the moment, doctors assess the condition of minors as satisfactory, two of the schoolchildren were discharged and went home.
Law enforcement agencies have opened a case against the parents of the alleged perpetrator of the poisoning under the article “Improper performance of duties to protect the life and health of children.” The family is raising two more children and is registered. The father and mother can be imprisoned for up to three years.
Earlier, students and teachers of a school in the Bashkir village of Mrakovo were evacuated after a student threatened to shoot their classmates. A threatening message arrived in the general chat of one of the classes.